Chapter 12

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Trinity's POV

"What's going on?" My dad asked, sitting down beside me.
"Nothing, dad."

Lately, I don't know, I just haven't been feeling myself. That day just keeps repeating. I see it in my dreams, everywhere. Anything I look at somehow brings me back to him. I guess my parents have taken note on my behaviour and want to dig a little deeper.

"Are you sure?"
"Sorry, I'm just checking up on you... You're worrying your mother and I."
"I assure you, I'm alright. If I had a problem, I'd come to you." Not this time...
He rubbed my shoulder, "I just want you to be ok."
"And I am."
"Good," he kissed my cheek before getting up and leaving.

I was left alone to think. I was glad that he left, but maybe it was better not to think. I mean, I tend to overthink things and get worked up about nothing. Why should I even care? I don't know! I do though! I need to get this and him especially, out of my head.

I leaped up the stairs and flopped onto my bed. I picked up "The Maze Runner" from my night stand and flipped to the page I left off on. I slipped out my bookmark and switched it with my reading glasses.

About an hour later, I was having no luck with the book. Every few seconds, I'd get distracted and off track. My thoughts kept wondering off to the other day. Stupid me. I banged my book on my forehead and pulled my glasses off my face. I gave up.

Adnan's POV

"Faster! Pick it up, Adnan!"

It was during the middle of training and we were in the middle of sprints. I was paired up with Wayne and so far, he was beating me.

"Come on, Adnan. You got to get faster," Ryan told me.
I crouched over trying to catch my breath, "Ok..."
Louis clapped his hands, "Again, boys!"

The team lined up for yet another set of short sprints. I shook out my limbs as the line moved up closer to the start. I let out a deep breath before I heard the whistle, indicating for us to start sprinting. I took short, choppy steps to gain that burst of speed and pumped my arms rapidly. My strides became longer and smoother as I sprinted. Eventually we slowed down and split apart, making our way to the back of the line. Wayne had beat me again.

"It's ok, keep it up," Wayne patted me on the shoulder.
"Yeah, thanks."
"Guys, take a water break and then we'll scrimmage for the remainder of training. Alright, nice work!"

I went to get water, but was unexpectedly pulled over by Wayne and Robin.

"Man, what's going on?"
"What are you talking about?" I looked at Robin funny.
"What's up, talk to us."
"I'm good."
"Really? It shows..."
"Wayne, you said I was good!"
They exchanged looks, "You're the captain, you got this one?"
"Yeah, go ahead."

Wayne excused Robin from our little chat and let him go get water. All I wanted right now was to get a drink and rehydrate after those sprints. I was still out of breath and needed to take a breather.

My hands were on my hips now, "Can... Can you explain... What the heck is going on?"
"Adnan, I know here's something on your mind, care to share?"
"No... No!"
I exhaled loudly, "I'm ok!"
"Don't lie to me, we got to be good, you know?"
"And... We are!"
"Just tell me what's going on and I'll let you go! As captain it's my job to know what's going on with all my players! I'm not just going to let you off the hook so easily!"
"It's nothing, I'll bring up the effort."
I tried to pass him, but he held me back, "Adnan! Did you not just listen to anything I said?!"
"Fine! You want to know?!"
"Yes! I'd like to!"
"It's just a friend of mine... We're having problems."
He looked me in the eye, "Girl?"
"It's a girl."
I looked away for a second, "Right..."
"Keep your relationship on the down low... And don't let it interfere with this team!" He warned.
"That's easy, we're not even on speaking terms anymore."

He looked at me again. I bowed my head and stared down and the grass. At least my breathing had gotten back to normal.

"We good?"
We bro hugged, "If you have any other troubles, let me know."
"Go get a drink."

I squirted a bunch of water over my face and then into my mouth. Most of the water just trickled down my cheeks and onto my jersey. Hardly any got into my mouth. Louis called us all over and I hadn't really had anything to drink. I knew I had to join the rest of the team and him.

We were split up into two equal teams. The game started out quick with two quick goals from Wayne and Blind. We were down by two. You know, maybe I could use this sport to channel my anger... I felt a fire start to burn within. I wasn't going to let some girl hold me back.

I began to weave through the defenders like they were pylons. With my dominant foot, I whipped in a cross for my boy Fellaini to head into the net. 2-1. We celebrated and gave a little hug, the goal was spectacular.

"That a boy, Adnan!"

I even saw glances from Wayne and even a bit of a smile upon his face. Reminding me of her saying all those mean things drove me to play harder. I held off the players who were pressuring me, I was aggressive, making all the right passes.

Our training ended shortly after, leaving the score at 4-2. The two other goals from their team came from Falcao and Luke Shaw. Robin blasted his shot into the back of the net after a great ball from Marcos Rojo.

I left training feeling satisfied with myself, but exhausted. Although, Trinity was still in the back of my mind. I couldn't stay mad at her forever.

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