Chapter 25

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Trinity's POV

"Where did you go?!"
"Sorry, I lost you in the crowd," I made up an excuse.
"Well you need to stay with me!"
"What's going on girls?"

It hadn't even been a minute in the house, but we were already fighting. Our mom came over to resolve our issues.

"Trinity just ran away and I thought I lost her!" Oh wow, now she was pretending to be sad that she lost me. If I actually did go missing, she'd be the one to throw a party and cheer that I was gone.
"Trinity, you need to stay with Savannah."
"I'm sorry, I got lost..."
"Ok, next time you know."
"Mom, aren't you going to say anything else?!" Savannah yelled.
"No, I've told her and she knows."
"You never punish her for anything!"
"Quit it, now."

I left just at the right time. Even though I was upstairs, I could still hear the screaming of their voices arguing. At least I wasn't engaged in that conversation anymore.

"It's so unfair! You treat me poorly and her like she's your prized possession!"
"That's not true! Your father an I love you equally!"
"Sure, mom, sure. Stop lying! I know you hate me!"
"Hate you?! Savannah I've stood by your side since you were a little girl. I've helped you grow up and taught you well, what happened?!"
"Trinity happened, that's what!"
"Trinity has nothing to do with you! Can't you see? You did this to yourself and if you hate us so much, stop always coming to us for your problems!"
There was silence for a second, "Mom, go away..."
"Fine, I'll leave."

I heard her footsteps from downstairs and assumed she was walking away from Savannah. I could picture her just standing still all alone. Well, that couldn't have gone any worse.

I stayed focused. Felli said to me that he'd tell Adnan. I checked the time and it was about four o'clock. I had some time to kill so I picked up my book and read...


I had finished dinner after some reading and was ready to go. I quickly checked the time on my watch that was attached to a skinny, silver chain. 8:53pm.

The sun had set and it had become chilly outside. The wind had also picked up too. I thought I'd be fine in a jean jacket. I put it on over my white t-shirt that was slightly tucked into my black leggings.

In the family room, my mom and dad sat watching tv. I assumed Savannah was in her room, since her door was closed shut and all I could see was the little line of light that crept out from underneath her door. I tiptoed down the stairs and quietly opened the front door. I let out a deep breath after I had shut it. Finally, I was out and no one caught me.

I walked at a brisk pace, I was looking forward to seeing him. Certain thoughts crossed my mind as I came closer to Old Trafford. What if he actually feels that way? Does he hate me? Maybe we weren't meant to be... I shook out my nerves before entering the deserted parking lot. No one was here, except for me. I looked around and all I could see was darkness and no Adnan.

Time passed and it was quarter to ten. I felt a few drops of rain come down. Really... The rain started to pour harder. On the streets, cars had their windshield wipers on and few people scrambled to get out of the rain. And then there was me. Standing all alone in the cold, pouring rain on a dark, miserable night. I didn't move, I was glued in place. The rain drenched my hair and clothes. I guess it was a bad choice to wear eyeliner and mascara today. This morning I had the stupidest thought that I'd bump into him at the game so I got all dolled up. Also, I decided to leave my hair down.

The rain had tangled my hair into enormous knots that'd be a pain to brush out. I pictured my face with my makeup running from my eyes and down my cheeks. I should've picked a warmer jacket... My jean jacket was soaked and wasn't giving me much warmth. I hugged myself and rubbed my arms trying to get warm. My white shirt was basically drowning from the amount of water it had absorbed. I was sure that you could see my black bra through the shirt. My leggings clung to my body.

A crack of lighting struck across the sky, lighting everything up for a split second. Thunder then rumbled in causing me to shiver. I hated thunderstorms. Still, I didn't budge. I stayed in place and waited for him. I didn't car how long I had to stay here, I'd wait.

Around half past eleven, I managed to spot a dark figure. The rain had stopped, but my clothes and hair were still wet. I sniffed and rubbed my nose as they came closer. They were dressed in all black with their hood up and their hands in their pockets. I gulped when they were a few feet away from me.

"Trinity?" Their voice was soft, "What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you..." I bowed my head.

After a few hours, he had finally showed up. I hid my smile because I was so happy, but this was more of a serious moment.

"How- how long have you been here?"
"I don't know..."
"Your going to catch cold."

His warm hand touched my chin and gently lifted my head. We were eye to eye. I took in a deep breath and didn't break our stare. His free hand grabbed my waist. He looked down at my lips, then back to my eyes as he bit his lip. Man, I wanted him to just kiss me now... And my wish was granted.

He pulled me closer and crashed his lips into mine. I cupped his face in my hands and passionately kissed him back showing all my affection and love for him. His hand tugged on the wet fabric of my shirt. His hood had fallen off and I ran my cold fingers through his dry hair. Then suddenly, he pulled away and I couldn't quite understand why. I stepped back and gasped for air as we were both breathless. His chest heaved up and down.

"What's wrong?"
"I can't."
"What do you mean?"
"Trinity, I just can't."
"But I love you..." I finally said it.
He titled his head sideways and looked at me, "Don't you think those are words you should've said earlier?"
I blinked twice, "Uh-"
"I'm sorry, Trinity, I really am..."

And with that, he turned and walked away, disappearing into the darkness and leaving me with a lot to think about.

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