Chapter 23

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Trinity's POV

It's been a few days since I read the news about Adnan. I've kind of shut myself out from the world. I don't know what's going on with me.

I've realized how much Adnan means to me and that I need him back.

I can't believe I didn't know this before! He's the most important and only person I've got... Well, used to have. He got me, understood, cared, and stayed by my side. And- and now he's gone. He was all mine to take and keep and I let him slip right out of my fingertips. He was too hard to catch and was like water rushing through my hands when I try to keep it.

I let him go.

I had no idea how much he actually meant to me. He used to feel this way about me, but he doesn't. Now I do. It's the opposite. I'm so sad now, he's gone. I could've had him, but I was so stupid! Urgh, how was I completely blind?!

I chucked my book across my room. It hit the wall hard and the pages fluttered as the book tumbled to the floor with a 'thud'. I brought my soft, fluffy pillow close to my chest and curled up into a tiny, little ball. I wept and sobbed into my pillow. My body was shaking aggressively. All these feelings rushed through my veins. It's like I was all of a sudden injected with feelings of love and sadness and confusion. What was I to do? There wasn't even much I could do... This frustrated me. I want him back so bad. He probably wants nothing to do with me now.

"I need Adnan."
"I need Adnan."
"I need Adnan."
"I need Adnan."

I was talking out loud now. Who cared, no one was here right now to hear. I was broken. A boy broke my heart. We didn't even date though... I guess you don't need to date someone for your heart to get thrown away and broken.

I never knew I loved him until I let him go...

Adnan's POV

Fellaini has helped me a lot through this hard time. I had to tell the world that Trinity was nothing to me. Do you know how much that hurt?! However, now I'm starting to feel better about the whole thing. Maybe we were never meant to be. Lots of people say I'm young and have lots of time in the future to think about getting a girlfriend. Maybe they're right.

I think I'm finally getting over her, as hard as it was. My teammates helped me tons. Anyway, it'd screw everything up if I actually dated her. My parents would be furious. It'd take away time from football. I had to focus. Focus. All football, no girls for now.

Moving on was full of tears, heartbreak, yelling, screaming, silence. I gave everyone a hard time, but eventually fought those old feelings. Love died. She didn't like me anyway, so what's the point? I always kept telling myself that. The day I was told of what to do, I cried a lot. I went through like five tissue boxes! I also cried after, I couldn't believe I had just done it. I was then silent for the next two days. I didn't say a word... To anyone. I lost a few days of sleep and stared up looking at the ceiling wondering what could have been. I made up little scenarios and situations and imagined them as is they were real. Everything was perfect when it was in my head and it seemed a bit unfair that it couldn't be that way in real life. I wished it was that easy.

Fellaini tried to help me out and then I shouted at him. We got into a heated argument and he left for a night to go stay at Robin's. Smart move because it really let me think and cool down. I got over her that night and realized we'd never be together. It's sad to say, but it's over.

Now, I'm preparing for our next game against West Brom. The whole team is. We got to win because we have to make it to the Champions League this year. It's a must, we can't miss another, like this year.

Today, I am spending the day with my parents. I headed out of our place and left Marouane to watch some tv. I had no idea what he was watching. I just called out to him as I was leaving and he gave me a small wave, without moving his eyes off of the tv. I drove over to their house, where I used to live until I moved out. It was refreshing being home once again. Although, I'd like to revisit Belgium soon.

I knocked on the door, "Hi, mama."
"Adnan!" We embraced in a tight hug, "Abedin, Adnan est ici!"

She called my father in French to come downstairs. He came over.

"Adnan," his voice was flat.
"Dad..." I said, taking a step back.
"The girl."
"Did you see the interview?"

I knew where this conversation was going even before it began. He was going to talk about Trinity. I could tell by the tone it his voice and how straight forward he was.

My dad spoke, "That doesn't mean you're not hiding a relationship-"
"He'd never do such a thing, why do you think that?!" My mother snapped.
"He's a young, troublesome boy. He's immature."
"He's our son," she reminded.
"All young boys are idiots."
"You were once too?"
"Of course, I made tons of mistakes as a boy. Almost everything I did was wrong."
"Then I must assume I was one of them?!" She raised her voice, I had never seen her this angry before.
"Uh-" He tripped over his words, "No- I meant-"
"Get things straight! Adnan is our son and he is a good, well-mannered, tender-hearted, loving, smart, handsome boy! If you don't think so, then maybe you should've raised him differently!"
He cut her off, "He turned out fine! Look at him and his football! I'm just saying that he should quit it with these girls or he's going to make a bad decision one day!"
"It's not always about football, Abedin! Yes, it's great that he plays, but he has a life! Oh, and am I just a mistake? Did you mean to go after some other girl?! Huh?!"
"Enough! The world doesn't revolve around football or you. I think right now, you need to start focusing on being a better father and husband."

She stormed upstairs and I followed. I bounded up the staircase and knocked softly on the closed door. I could hear my mom crying through the door.

"Mama, are you alright?"
"Adnan, go... Now's not a good time."
"Are you ok?" I was concerned.
"Go home, you'll be better off there."
"Are you sure?"
"Please, Adnan. I don't want you getting involved, I want whats best for my son."
"Oh- ok..."

I left my old home and returned to my current one. The whole drive I couldn't stop thinking about my mom.

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