Chapter 27

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Adnan's POV

"Aren't you going to get that?!" Marouane seemed a bit annoyed that I wasn't answering my phone.
"It's Trinity and right now, we're not on speaking terms."
"Adnan, yes you are. What happened that night?"
The ringing stopped, "I don't want to talk to her right now."
"You never want to anymore! What happened?"
"Why didn't you tell me she'd be there that night?" I continued to avoid his question.
"I don't know!"
"Dude, you could've just told me, so I knew what I was getting myself into!"
"If I told you it was to meet her you would've never left!"
"That would've been better, you know?!"
"Just tell me what happened!"
"We kissed!"

He went silent. I don't think he knew what to say. He for sure didn't expect an answer like that. I gulped and gave him a few seconds to think over what I had just said. After a bit, I spoke.

"I- I couldn't help myself and I just kissed her..."
"Do you realize what you just did?!"
"You kissed her. Out in the open. Did you consider the people around?! Everyone basically has a smart phone and could've captured your sweet little moment."
"It was almost midnight, no one was around."
"Are you sure about that? Because I wouldn't be surprised if it came out in the newspaper tomorrow!"
"Look, that moment's already passed and nothing's happened! We're cool, right?"
He sighed, "Yeah... But if it does come out, I won't be able to back you up."
I nodded, "I know."
"So, what? Did you guys talk?"
"No, not really. Just some confusion about why she was standing alone at night and then me saying that this isn't going to work out. Right after that, I left."
"Woah, woah, woah. You've lost me, explain the whole night."

I started right from the beginning where he told me to go back to Old Trafford. I said how I took a quick stop at a nearby café and ended up staying there longer than I planned. Once I realized how long I had been there, I made my way to where Marouane said to go. After I repeated the whole conversation, word for word, I waited for his opinion on this situation.

"That's tough... You can't be with her."
I looked at my feet, "I know I can't, but it's killing me inside."
"You still like her, don't you?" I didn't respond, "Your- your in love with her..."
"Shut up," I said.
"Ok, fine!" I exhaled loudly before speaking again, "I thought I was over her, I when I saw her, everything came rushing back and now... I can't get her out of my head."

I smiled and let out a small chuckle near the end.

"Go for it."
"You wanted me advice, I say go for it."
"You're crazy, that's never going to happen."
"How do you know? Just give it a shot, Adnan."
"She wouldn't agree to-"
"Do it."
"Go after what you want!"
"Marouane, she doesn't like me!"
"Are you hearing yourself correctly? You said she doesn't like you when clearly she told you those three special words on that night."
"Yeah, and how long ago was that now? Oh, and don't forget I said I couldn't do any of this, which I still can't."
"Quit it with the negativity. Think of it this way, would she be calling constantly and leaving voice messages if she didn't have feelings for you?"
"I don't-"
"She cares about you, and you care about her. You need to talk to her."
"I can't just... Go talk to her... I'll screw it all up."

In my head, I thought of all the things that could go wrong if I tried talking to her. Texting was out of the question because I really wanted to hear her beautiful voice... If I did call, what if she doesn't answer? Or worse, she could've changed her number! However, if I tried meeting up with her, would she even show? What if I tripped over my own words and wasn't even able to get a simple "hello" out?

"Adnan, I know you can do this. Don't overthink it."
"It'll never happen. Too many people telling me no and so many consequences."
"Get one thing straight, ok?"
"If you really love her, and if she really loves you, you'll make it work. No matter what."

I thought about that conversation throughout the whole day. I couldn't just forget about her and let her go that easily. I wasn't going for let that happen. I still loved her. Trinity. I needed to talk to her.

Not going to be updating. Enjoy your weekend and hopefully I can get back with another chapter on Monday! Also, thank you all so much for voting and reading all my chapters.

Love you, adnanjanuzaj_

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