Chapter 16

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Trinity's POV

My parents took my sister and I out for lunch today. We were out shopping just getting new clothes. I bought new shorts, t-shirts, and a pair of grey Vans. Also, I got new hairbands. My favourite item I picked out was a pair of jean shorts. They were high waisted and reached my belly button. The shorts had three buttons and were folded up once at the bottom of each leg. They were a dark blue colour. I couldn't wait to wear them.

The shopping and lunch had pretty much taken up our morning and afternoon. I didn't spend much money, but Savannah spent a fortune. I wondered how my parents were able to afford the amount of things she bought. Maybe she was paying with her own money? I don't know, but I knew I didn't need to buy as many clothes as she did. She wore a different outfit like every single day of the year. I have a few that I wear and mix up, but my clothes are not as expensive as hers... Literally, Savannah bought six dresses, five pairs of shorts, two capris, eight t-shirts, three tank tops, sandals, and a new pair of red Converse. It was way too much and she still claimed hat she needed more. My parents obviously refused, but Savannah continued to say how she had no clothes, despite just buying new clothes. It wouldn't surprise me if next weekend she and Lesley went out to do more shopping.

I begged my parents to drive home fast because I knew what was happening. I was seeing Adnan. I felt overly excited to see him for some reason. He was a nice friend. I had texted Adnan this morning before leaving and tried to get him to tell me what we were doing. He didn't leave any hints for me. Maybe that's why I was so eager to meet up with him.

Once we got home, I went to the bathroom to go fix my hair. I redid my braid and sprayed a bit of hairspray because my hair was going crazy today. Usually, I'd go out with no makeup, so I didn't bother putting any on. Anyways, I already went out without makeup and I was fine.

I texted Adnan saying that I was ready and he said that he'd come pick me up. I worried that my parents or even worse, my sister, would see him. I replied back quickly just in case he was texting while he was on his way.

"Actually, Adnan, I don't want any seeing me... Mind picking me up a few blocks down?"
"No problem, see you soon. I'm about five minutes away."

I walked to the front and put on my tan coloured jacket and black combat boots. I zipped up the jacket. A cold gust of air hit me as I opened the front door. I quietly tried to sneak out, but I was stopped in my tracks.

I slowly turned around, knowing I had been caught, "Yes, mom?"
"Where're you going?"
"Er... I was just heading out for a walk?"
"Why are you saying it like you're uncertain?"
"No, that's right, I'm going for a walk!" I repeated, this time with more confidence.
"Alright, don't be out too long. Dinner is soon."
"Um, I might actually not be back by then."

I checked my watch. 5:18pm. She was really holding me up... We came back from shopping later than I had expected, so I was already running late. Now, this was holding me up even longer. I was trying to speed things up and get a move on. My phone went off.

"Who's that?"
"No one..."

The phone continued to ring. Really, Adnan? Worst timing ever? Just shut up!

"Are you sure because to me, it appears like someone wants to speak with you."
I took out my phone from the pocket of my jacket and fumbled around with it, trying to make it stop. I did that while continuing to speak, "Mom, it's nobody. Just some random call-"

Oh, great. That's just great. I accidentally hit the "answer" button instead of the button that read "ignore". I brought the phone up to my ear and answered him.

"Hello?" I would've screamed at him and told him what a complete idiot he was, but my mom was standing right next to me.
"Hey, where are you?"
"Still here... I got to go see you soon."
"What?!" I was desperately trying to end the conversation.
"What is absolutely so important that you had to tell me now?! Couldn't you have waited?!" I was nervous talking to him near my mom.
"Don't take too long."
I let out a laugh, "Seriously, Ad-," I stopped mid sentence before blurting out his name.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, perfectly fine, bye."

I ended the call before I heard another word from him. It was rude, but I was saving myself. My mom was grinning at me which gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Who was that?" She chimed.
"I don't know."
"Come on, Trinity..." She gasped, "Was it a boy?!"
I froze up and my cheeks burned. I waved my hands and shook my head, "No, no! Boy? Ew, gross..." I chuckled, glancing around trying to avoid eye contact.
"Do you like him?"
"No, I don't!"
"So it is a boy!" She yelled.
"Uh... No!"
"That's ok, go enjoy your date. Although, I would've appreciated you telling me that you had a boyfriend. I expect you to not keep secrets."
"But mom-"
She didn't let me explain myself and pushed me out the door, "Go have fun! Don't worry about when you get home, just make it back before midnight."

The door shut behind me. Well, that was something. At least I was free to go now. It was 5:24pm. I was about a half an hour late, I felt so bad. I hurried down the streets and recognized Adnan's car that was parked on the side of the road. I walked around the front of his car and over to his window. He still didn't see me. I peered through the glass and saw that he was on his phone. From what I saw, he was on YouTube watching some sort of football video. I tapped on the glass and he looked surprised. His head shot up from the screen of his phone and he turned his attention to the window. He saw me and smiled, showing off pearly white teeth. He pointed to go around and I did. I opened the door and sat down next to him.


He embraced me in his strong arms. I sort of hugged back awkwardly, as this was very unexpected. I didn't think that he'd attack me with a hug straight away. My chin rested on his shoulder. It's weird to say, but he smelled good. The hug dragged on, so I decided to pull away. It left Adnan confused and I felt a little bad.

"Oh..." Was all he said, fake smiling and putting his hand behind his head.
"Good job yesterday," I complimented.
"No, we lost."
"I know, but many said it was your best performance of the season."
"A loss is a loss."
"Still, you're improving!"
"I guess..." He didn't seem to sure.
"Hey, you're playing and that's all that matters. He chose you to go play."
"For twenty minutes..."
"Would you rather play maybe two minutes? Or not at all?"
I didn't expect him to answer and he didn't. Instead he said, "You always know what to say."


Adnan was recently taken out from a game after he suffered an injury to his ankle. We all hope that it is not too serious. Get well soon, Adnan! Lots of love and support coming from your fans💞

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