Chapter 28

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Adnan's POV


Trinity left another message.

After what seemed like forever, I received another message from Trinity. Thank you. I had a second chance and this time, I wasn't going to screw it up. I listened to her sweet voice again. Oh how I missed hearing her voice... She said to stop by and that's what I was just going to do.

Trinity's POV

"Hey, Adnan, me again... Sorry if I'm a bother, I just need to see you... Anyway, I'm at home right now and my parents are taking my sister out for lunch. If you'd like to swing by, just do... Please."

I set my phone down on my bed. I let out sigh and let my knees come to my chest as I buried my face behind my knees. He was never going to call me, or text me, or see me. Not after that. What did I do wrong? I was feeling really lonely and was just about to give up. If he didn't like me then I needed accept that and move on. Let things go.

A fresh start was what I needed. To start it all off, I'd rinse away all of him. I started the shower and stuck my hand under the water to adjust the temperature. I stepped into the shower and had my back facing the water. It felt so good having the hot water beat down on my back. I scrubbed some shampoo into my hair and gently massaged my scalp. After rinsing, I put some conditioner in and then used my favourite shower gel. After all, I was alone, so I could take as long as I liked in the shower.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I dried off and then out my hair in a braid, even though my hair was still wet. I walked into my room and searched through my dresser for something to wear. Nothing appealed to me at the moment, so I moved to the closet. I normally kept things like dresses and jackets in my closet, but it was worth a try to look. I spotted my jean jacket and a kind of faded pink coloured dress. It was pretty plain and had spaghetti straps and ended at the middle of my thigh. That was what I wanted to wear today.

You know, maybe I'd go for a walk today. Walk around, try to clear my mind, maybe even meet someone new. Who knows?! I needed to get out of this house. Too much negativity here and I needed the fresh air. I had to get my mind off of him.

I got downstairs and slipped on a pair of sandals. I adjusted the straps at the back of my heels. There was a faint noise coming from the front. I stopped what I was doing and listened again. There is was! Cautiously, I crept towards the front of the house. I looked ahead of me and there was a shadow through the glass window in the front door. It was just a knock. I shook my head and walked to the door. I opened it and was so shocked.


"What are you doing here?"
"To see you."
"Trinity, I fucked up, I really did. There's no other way to describe what I did. I'm sorry for everything I put you through and I'm just hoping that you're willing to give me a second chance. Please..." He begged me.
"I forgive you..." I said quietly.

He warm brown eyes stared into mine. He basically invited himself in and immediately took hold of my waist. His lips connected with mine. Adnan was gentle and loving. His kisses were soft and he closed the door behind him. I pulled my feet out of my shoes and backed up each time Adnan moved forward.

His hands firmly gripped my hips and pushed me against the wall. I held onto his cheeks as I lovingly kissed back. I guided him over to the couch where we both sat down. He pulled me onto his lap and moved his hands up to my back. He separated his kisses leaving small pecks across my lips and cheek.

"I'm so sorry... For everything," he whispered into my ear. His hot breath tickled.
"No worries," I smiled.

I pulled away from his face and adjusted myself on the couch. Adnan ran his hands up and down my thigh.

"You have no idea how scared I was."
"Why?" I asked.
"I thought I had lost you. For good. You liked me and I was too stupid to grasp that and I almost made the biggest mistake of my life."
"And that would be?"
"Letting you go."
"Awh, Adnan..."

I kissed him, but this time he didn't return one.

"What's wrong?"
"I'm scared."
"Scared? Scared of what? I'm not going anywhere."
"That's not it... I'm worried about me not being able to be with you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He took my hands in his, "Trinity, as much as I want to be with you, I might not be able to. I just can't. I'm a professional football player and I have rules to follow. I need my career and my dad probably wants to set me up with some girl. I'm really sorry and I don't mean to disappoint you, but this is the reality of this all."
"But, Adnan, I love you," I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.
"Believe me, I love you too! I just want you safe, though..."
"I don't care! I'm going to do whatever it takes to be with you!"

He saw the determination in my eyes. After about a minute of thinking time, he looked up and locked eyes with me. He held my hands tighter.

"Let's do this."

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