Chapter 2

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Trinity's POV

Ugh, what a jerk. Who was that guy?

I didn't bother to stay long. My white shirt was stained and all my clothes were sticky. It felt so gross and disgusting. I pushed past the clumsy idiot that was so careless that he spilled his drink onto me. He didn't even bother to say "sorry" or anything, how nice.

I maneuvered my way past people and through the crowd. I saw a sign for the washrooms and the arrow on the sign directed me toward the back. It was less people there and less noisy. No more busy crowds and loud music. I walked down a short hallway and the sounds became almost muted. I saw the door to the women's washroom and was about to enter, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"What the?"
It was that guy, "It's ok, look, let me make it up to you by buying you a drink. Come with me."
"No! Get off of me!"

Adnan's POV

Wow, this girl was really angry. Hmm... I had to think of something to do. Act cute? Well I mean, it's worth a try. Maybe she watches football and knows who I am? I hope so, then we can sort this out. Or else, what if she runs to the media and blames me for purposely spilling my drink on her.

"What are you doing, why are you looking at me like that?!"
Guess that plan backfired, "Don't you know who I am?"
"Um... Oh yeah, you're-"

I quickly covered her mouth and prevented her from saying anything. She tried to remove my hand from her face, but I was stronger. With both hands, she dug her fingernails into my wrist. I had to release my grip,

"Ah, what the heck was that for? And please don't scream my name!"

I hoped she wouldn't draw a mob of screaming girls towards me... Please don't freak out...

"I'm not going to scream your stupid name!" I was not expecting that response, "Yes, you're Adnan Januzaj, but I could care less. The elastic in my hair means more to me than you do."
"Ouch, that was harsh..." We kind of stood in silence for a second, "Just wondering, do you have a spare change of clothes?"

She shoved me out of the way, again, and went into the washroom. I wanted to go with her, but it was a women's washroom. She may have gotten away from me this time, but I wasn't going to let her go anywhere after. I stood outside the washroom door and waited silently.

A man swung open the door of the men's washroom and he was looking down on me. He was a bit taller than me.

"What are you doing outside the ladie's washroom?" He asked in a deep voice.

The door to the women's washroom opened and a short girl came out, staring at the floor. She was oblivious and didn't see me or the man, arguing. She appeared to be a bit younger than me. I looked through the crack of the door and saw the girl that I spilled my drink on. She was trying to clean up her shirt. The door was closing quickly and I tried to keep and eye on her. I felt someone shove me back.

"Hey, what's you problem, man?! You don't look in there! Not cool..."

He walked past me, thankfully. I pounded on the door and told her to open up.

"Hey open up, uh... What's your name?!" I yelled through the closed door.
There was silence until she replied, "Go away!"
"Come out, go away!"

I heard her giggle. That made me smile. Ar least I lightened her mood a bit. I hoped that she would come out of hiding and sort thing out win me. I didn't want her angry or upset with me. It was truly and accident, no harm was meant to be done.

"Yeah, that's my name..." Her voice was soft and faint. Almost so quiet that I couldn't hear it.
"Well, Trinity," I knocked on the door, "look I just wanted to make things right between us, please talk to me."

I waited for a while, nothing. The wall was cold as my back touched it. I was leaning against the wall and slid down it to sit down. I sat there for a bit, fiddling with my fingers. I was caught off guard when she swiftly exited the washroom and almost got away from me. I stopped her in her tracks and placed both hands on her shoulders, restraining her from going anywhere anytime soon.

"Listen," I started, "I'm really sorry for what happened, it was an accident! Trust me, I apologize for what I did. Is there anyway I could make it up to you?"

She didn't answer me. She chose to ignore me and push me out of her way. Within seconds, she was engulfed by the crowd. I tried to follow her. I was lost in the ginormous swarm of people, when I saw her leaving the building. I rushed to the exit and found her walking down the dark, cold, damp street. It was raining now and was pretty cold outside. The streets were only lit by the streetlights and the headlights of the passing vehicles. I had a feeling that I needed to go with her. Keep her safe. Protect her.

"Hey, wait up!" I called.
"Stop following me, you creep!"
"I'm not a creep, I just want to know where you're going."
"None of your business..."
I noticed something, "You're shivering, are you ok?"

I didn't care how good she said she felt, I knew she wasn't alright. She looked cold. Her arms were wrapped around her as if she was hugging herself. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. She looked up at me. I braced myself for her reaction. I was guessing that she'd throw it back at me or on the street, but she didn't. She kept the jacket on, which surprised me. I just went with it.

"So... Where are you headed?" Nothing from her.
"Did you go to the club with anyone else?" Still not a word.
"Go back."
"Go back to the club, leave me alone."
"I can't. I need to make sure you get to wherever you need to get to safely."
"No you don't."
"Ya, your right. I don't, but I'm going to do it anyways."

She let me walk with her. I stayed close by her side as we walked down the streets. I didn't understand why I decided to be with her. I could've been out with all my friends, celebrating my 20th birthday. Why did I leave?

We entered a small neighbourhood. The streets here were even darker than the main ones, the street lamps weren't as bright. The streets here sent shivers down my spine. It felt like we were being swallowed by the night. She walked up the steps to one house, I assumed it was hers.

"Good night," I said, smiling at her.

She didn't say anything back to me, all she did was toss my jacket back in my face. She slammed the front door and disappeared. Wow, that was rude, but I could be forgiving. Hmm... I knew what I said about girls before, but this girl... She was something else...

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