Chapter 31

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Trinity's POV

"But, Adnan, I just want to see you..." I ran my fingers through my hair, which was down surprisingly. I was too lazy to braid it.
"Don't worry, the end of the season is just around the corner."
"It's still so far," I made a hand gesture to make it look like I was reaching for something that was too far away for me.
"Oh, quit that," he laughed, "don't worry, you'll make it."
"How do you know that for sure?"
"Cause I know that you're strong. Anyways, after we can say that we're survivors!"

He grinned and gave me one of his sexy smiles. Gosh... That's one of the many reasons why I ended up falling for him.

"I miss you already."
"Trinity, it's only been two days since we last saw each other."
"So long..."
"Don't be such a baby," he teased.
"Excuse me?" I faked that I was hurt.
"Just kidding."
"Well, why can't you just sneak out?"
"My dad is monitoring me literally twenty four seven. It's like I'm a criminal and he's the police!"
"Oh, Adnan. I love you, you know that right?"
"Of course! I love you more..."
"You didn't just start that..."
"Just did."

After arguing over who loved each other more, I gave in. Knowing that that battle could go on forever and both of us could list off a thousand reasons for why our love was stronger. We'd been FaceTiming for over two hours and my parents were starting to call me down for dinner.

"Dinner, don't want it to get cold!"
"One second, I said!"

I turned my head back towards the screen.

"Sorry about that."
"No problem, but it sounds like you need to go."
"No!" I said a bit too loud and soon, "I mean, it's fine... I can stay."
"No really, Trinity, you should go. Don't want your dinner to get cold," he winked, repeating what my mom had yelled from downstairs.
"Screw the dinner, I can make something later if I'm hungry."
"Ha, true. I think I better go."
"Just because of me?!"
"No, I actually need to go. I've been in my room for two hours and I get the feeling that my dad's starting to get the slightest bit suspicious... If you know what I mean."
"Yeah..." I sighed.
"Don't be upset, you look prettier when you're happy."
"You saying I look ugly when I'm sad?"
"Not at all, it's just I like when you smile better."
I smiled, "Well there you go."
"That's what I like to see before I leave. Bye, beautiful."

He placed a kiss onto his hand and touched the screen. I placed my hand where his was on the screen and pretended to get the kiss. I pressed my hand against my cheek.

"Love you, Adnan."
"I love you too, Trinity."

FaceTime ended with Adnan Januzaj.

His dad forbid him from seeing me until the end of the season. I could hardly last two days, yet there was still so much longer left to go... I don't think I can do it, but at least we can FaceTime which I guess is better than nothing. I still get to see his face. Everything is alright... For now.


Adnan hasn't been answering any of my FaceTime calls. It's starting to really concern me. Is he ok? Where did he go? Why does he not have time for me anymore? Did his dad do something?

It's been five days since our last FaceTime call. I'm starting to wonder if I did something. Maybe I did and this was all my fault. I tried FaceTiming about... I don't even know, I've lost count of all the times I tried to get a hold of him. He hadn't answered any of my calls. Now that I think if it, he hasn't answered anything!


What's wrong with him?

I even tried direct messaging him on Instagram. I tagged him in funny posts hoping that he'd at least respond to that with "lol" or lmao" or "haha" or some sort of thing to reply. It's bugging me and I don't know if he's ignoring me. Maybe he's just busy...

My phone vibrated in my jacket pocket. I was waking outside and it was a bit chilly. The cold air blew the trees slightly and hit my face. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I exhaled before checking to see why it vibrated.

Adnan: Hey, sorry I haven't answered anything... Let me explain.

Let him explain? What was there to explain?! Did something bad happen?!

I failed his number quickly and let the phone ring. I had to completely stop walking and focus on this call. He picked up.

"Trinity I c-"
"Adnan! Why have you not been talking to me? Did I do something wrong?!" I started to slightly cry which drew attention from people passing by.
"No- Trinity don't cry this has nothing to do with you."
"You scared me so much! I was staring to think something bad happened!"
"Nothing bad happened!" He raised his voice to talk over me and my cries.
"Then what did happen..."
"Well, my dad found out about the FaceTime. He doesn't want me talking to you- at all."
"I'm so sorry, I wish I could be there to hug you right now."
"Then come..."
"I can't and you know that."
"Why not?!"
"Because if I do, my dad may not let me see you again, ever!" He screamed through the phone.
"But, Adnan, I love you..."

I cried harder. I really thought this situation couldn't get any worse. Boy, I thought wrong. A women who was maybe in her mid-forties stopped when she saw me in this state.

"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, fine!"
"Are you sure, what's the matter?"
"My boyfri- I don't even know if we can have that anymore!"
"Oh well it-"
"Just! Thank you for being concerned, but I'm fine... Really!"
"I will give you space, feel better."

I wiped my eyes.

"Who was that?"
"Some random lady on the street, now why is your dad doing this?!"
"He wants me to focus on football."
"Does he know how much pain and stress he's causing me?! Does he?!"
"Trinity, calm down-"
"I can't because the guy I love is basically being taken away from me!"
"Trinity, I have to go- I love you."

He had already hung up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and continued to walk along... I couldn't believe a any of this was real.

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