Chapter 18

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Trinity's POV

"Open," I heard him say softly.

His hand was removed from my face as I opened my eyes. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the excessive amount of sunlight; there wasn't a single cloud in the sky. I squinted and looked up to a sign that read "Nando's". He brought me to Nando's? That was his big surprise that he couldn't tell me?

Nando's. Really.

Not that there's anything wrong with it, I enjoy their food, it just seems a little too casual. But, I guess that's what we were. Friends casually going out to eat. I kept quit and was smart enough to shut my mouth and not say anything. After all, the last time we came here he explained his story with that... Melissa girl? Yeah, I think that was her name.

I'd feel bad if I did the same to him. It was pretty harsh and it would suck to have a repeat of something like that.

I wriggled out of his hands, "Nando's!" I said, trying to keep the tone in my voice positive. I fake smiled.
"You like it?" He was smiling in return which made my stomach do flips, I hated lying.
I gulped, "Yeah, I love it!"

You know when your voice changes into that sweet fake one when your trying to act nice? Well, that's what was happening right now. I hope Adnan would buy my act and wouldn't catch me because I didn't want to see his mad side. He'd be crushed and furious if he ever found out my real thoughts. Maybe I could just survive this for an hour and then say I have to go. How long could we stay there? Not long, hopefully. I guess I got excited over nothing...

"Great, come on."

He walked ahead and held open the door like a gentleman. I thanked him and walked in first. He walked me over to a table and sat down across from me. I observed him. His hands were folded neatly on top of the table and his left foot was tapping against the floor causing the table to slightly shake.

Adna broke the silence at the table by saying, "What do you want, same as last time? Chicken burger or would you like to try the butterfly chicken? Mmm my favourite," he licked his lips.
"You liked the burger, so I'll get you that, on me."
He proceeded to get up, but I just blurted it out, "No!"

Shoot! Why did I have to say that?! I don't know, it just sort of slipped! Damn it, what was I supposed to do now? Think, think, think... I needed an excuse and fast.

"What?" He questioned me.
"No," I repeated, "no uh... My mom."
"You're mom is?"
"Uh... Cooking! Yeah, she's cooking!" This was going just great, I didn't even sound sure of myself, "My mom is making her famous lasagna with the family recipe that has been passed down," this was all lies, "and I'd feel kind of bad eating here and then coming home not to eat anything she prepared. It's crush her."

I prayed that he'd believe me. It was such a horrible excuse, but it was the only one I had. My stomach did a flip for the second time. I balled my hands into a fist, the palms were sweaty. My breathing was speeding up, I didn't know how much longer I could keep this up.

You know how moms are."
"I guess..."
"You surely understand, right?"
"Of course," his head ducked down low.
"It's ok, you can go ahead and eat."
"No, I wasn't hungry anyway..."

He was avoiding eye contact which left my eyes to dart around he restaurant nervously. I looked from person to person and then back at Adnan. He stayed silent. I was about to lose it.

"I need the washroom!"
"Ok? It's over there," he pointed me in the right direction.
"Great, one second."

I almost sprinted away from the table and into the washroom. I locked myself in a stall and leaned my back against the door. What did I get myself into? This was all my fault for getting into this mess.

A few moments later, I just realized that I locked myself in a stall. Why? I don't know. No one was here, most importantly he wasn't here, so why was I hiding? I unlocked the door and stepped out, making my way to the sink. I turned the tap on and let the water run for a bit. Then, I ran my hands under the cold water and splashed some on my face. I grabbed paper towel and wiped the water off. I took a deep breath and was ready to go back into the war zone. It was life or death. I either got caught or survived.

Adnan's POV

"I need the washroom!" She spat, unexpectedly.
"Ok? It's over there."
"Great, one second."

I had showed her where they were and immediately, she bolted. She nearly tripped and fell. I guess she really had to go.

I feel like a complete idiot. I had this whole evening planned out perfectly and then it just crashes and burns. It's like whatever I want doesn't come true. All I want right now is Trinity. She's he sweetest girl ever. Even though she can tell the harsh truth or act weird like now, it doesn't change the way I look at her. In my eyes, she's perfect and that's all I need.

Tonight was supposed to go smoothly. Take her to Nando's and she loves it because it's like our first date type of thing. Then, we order and enjoy the food. Talk and laugh and joke around. Make her smile. Kiss her. Perfect date. It sounded so simple yet I couldn't accomplish any of that. It all seemed impossible now. She didn't even sound interested or surprised when we got here, she's not eating, our conversations are weak, and she hasn't smiled. My only hope is to kiss her. I don't know, maybe it will work or maybe I'll turn out to look like a fool.

"Back," she sat down.
"You good?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You took a while in there, just wanted to make sure you were alright."
"Well, thank you, Adnan."

Wait a minute, she smiled! And was that a little laugh to herself?! Could I kiss her? There was a possibility here. Should I kiss her? I was willing to take that chance.

Trinity's POV

I had sat back down and the first thing Adnan did was check on me. It made me smile because it was thoughtful and so caring of him. I told him I was fine, but in reality, I wasn't really... Another lie! Oh my gosh, how long could this go on?

I pressed the home button in my iPhone and checked the time. Adnan noted my actions.

"What're you doing?" He leaned across the table.
"Oh nothing, checking he time."
"It's almost half past six."
"Yeah, I saw..."

It was maybe around and hour now that I had been with Adnan. I wanted to go and leave, but it'd be rude. It just felt different being with him today. I didn't realize what was wrong... I continued to sit and decided not to get up and run away from the scene.

After maybe a minute, I saw that Adnan was still practically on top of the table. From his waist up was over the tabletop. I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Trinity..." His voice wasn't as steady as before.

He looked me straight in the eye and didn't say a word. I wasn't sure what was coming my way.

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