Chapter 5

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Adnan's POV

It's Valentine's Day! I can't wait to see the look on Trinity's face... All day, Fellaini and I have been preparing for this and I really hope she likes it. Looks like this is my chance to use her number.

Trinity's POV

My phone buzzed. I left it on my night side table, since I was just finishing up the last chapter. I flipped the final page, then answered the call.

"Hey, um, this is Adnan," the voice said to me.
"Ok... What do you want?"
"Do you want to meet up later today?"
"Sure, fine," I said, sounding annoyed. Couldn't he just find something else to do?
"I'll send you the address and directions, be there in fifteen minutes maybe?"
"Ok, great! See you then Trinity!"
"I didn't-"

I didn't say "yes"... I rolled my eyes. I thought I made it obvious that I was busy and didn't want to meet up. Couldn't he tell by the tone in my voice? I guess not. I mean, he must have other friends, so go do something with them. It was kind of rude to just spring something on me at the last minute. I took a look at the directions he had just sent and my phone told me it would take around twenty five minutes to arrive at his house. Looks like I'd be late.

Sadly, I put down my book. I slid it inside my desk drawer. "The Maze Runner" would just have to wait... I started reading the book a few days ago and I was already half way through. Wow, I was such a geek, always reading. Well... At least that's what my sister always told me.

I pulled off my oversized glasses and put them on my desk. I've never gone out in public with glasses before and I never will. Why start now? I went into the bathroom and put in some contacts. I washed my hands with a pump of lemon scented soap and dried them off with the towel. I went downstairs.

"Hey, mom, I'm taking the car!" I called.
"What?! No, mom I need it to go out with Lesley!"
"Savannah, you went out a few nights ago, have a rest," she instructed.
"Mom," my sister whined.
"Enough, Trinity, go have fun."
"Where are you going?"
"Uh... Just to meet someone."
"Ok," she walked over and kissed me on the cheek. I gave her a big hug in return.
"How come you let her go so easily?! You always make me tell you everything before I leave!"
"That's because I trust, Trinity."
"So you don't trust me?"
"Savannah, you've proven in the past that you are not responsible sometimes."

I left my mom and Savannah to their dispute. I drove over to Adnan's place and got there half an hour late. I didn't care, I didn't even want to be here in the first place. I knocked on the door, no answer, but the door creaked open a bit. Ok, this was getting a bit weird. My hand shook, as I reached for the door handle. I turned it and slowly pushed open the door.


Inside, was a candle lit dinner for two. The table was set in the middle of the room with a white cloth and everything. There was a trail of rose petals, leading the table. More petals surrounded the table. What was all of this? I covered my face with my hands, I was so surprised.

All of sudden, Adnan emerges from another room. He adjusts his bow tie. He's dressed in a tux and honestly, catches my eye. All I could do is stare. I stood in place, until Adnan approached me and took me by the hand. He lead me to the table and pulled out my chair for me. I sat down.

"Wh- What's all this for?" I stuttered.
"For you, gorgeous."
"Um... Ok..." That's all I could manage to spit out.
"Happy Valentine's Day."

I smelled something yummy. I looked to the kitchen and saw Fellaini cooking. How did I not notice him when I came in? He brought two plates over. The first thing I saw were the steaks. I inhaled a deep breath of the marvellous aroma. He placed each plate in front of us and handed us utensils.

"Hey, I'm Fellaini and I'll be serving you two today, he tried to sound all professional like a waiter.
"Thanks," I told him.
"Just get what I bought for this," Adnan instructed.

He went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of sparkling apple cider. He poured a bit into each glass. No wine or alcoholic drinks for these two, I already knew they couldn't drink, thanks to my sisters constant babbling about football players.

"Cheers," Adnan said, "to my girl."
"Cheers, but I'm not your girl."
"Really?" He smirked.
"Really. Sorry to burst your bubble."
"Ah, no problem. You will be mine someday."
"I wouldn't count on it."
"I have faith in us. Look, you came to this dinner I planned."
"Because you didn't tell me anything! I mean, I would've appreciated a heads up so that I could at least dress for the occasion."
"You look beautiful."
"Seriously? Im in a sweatshirt and track pants."
He laughed, "Even dressed in that. You never fail to look amazing."

That made me blush. Hmm... Maybe he wasn't that bad and maybe I was starting to fall for Adnan Januzaj. I was still at the surface, there was still so much more to be discovered about this mysterious boy.

Ok guys! I am so sorry, but I'm going to have to put this story on hold for a while. I'm finding myself stuck for ideas. Comment any if you like. I'll try my best to maybe update once in a while, but I'd rather put this story aside until I finish "Arranged Marriage With Adnan". After I complete that story, I can fully dedicate myself to writing this one. Hope you all can understand.

- adnanjanuzaj_

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