Chapter 14

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Trinity's POV

I grabbed my shoulder bag and swung it over me. Inside I had my phone, gum, some change, and whatever else. It was a mix of random items. I waited at the bus stop and put it my earphones listening to "Lights" by Ellie Goulding. I tapped my foot to the beat of the song and sung along in my head. I might have even sung a little, oops.

The bus pulled up and came to a stop. I took a seat close to the back beside an older lady. She looked like she was a mom. I could picture her having a good paying job with a husband and kids. They'd all be happily living together in a fair sized house. Maybe with a pool in the back... Oh, and they would own two cats and one dog. A beagle, preferably. Each year, the family would take a trip. Last years trip they went on a cruise and the kids enjoyed it. They probably brought back tons of souvenirs that they-

What was I even thinking?

Sometimes my thoughts tend to wander. Before I knew it, the lady beside me stepped off the bus at her stop and left me alone. A few minutes later, I exited and walked down the street. The sun was out and shined down on me. I shielded my eyes with my hand as I approached their place. I had gotten to their door and I took one final deep breath before knocking on the door.

The door swung open revealing a familiar face, "Trinity!"
"Hey, Marouane."
"Come on in!"

I took off my light jacket and he took it for me and put it away in the closet. I just decided to carry my shoulder bag around with me.

"Um... It's kind of weird for me to ask, but is Adnan here?"
"No, he's out," I kept my smile inside of me, "Why were you wondering?"
"No reason."
"Oh ok," a small smirk spread across his face.
"What?!" I smiled.
"Tell me!"
"Do you want anything?" He said, walking into the kitchen. He couldn't just change the subject that easily.
I followed, "I want you to say what you were thinking!"
"Fine! I was maybe thinking you liked Adnan."
"What?! Me? No!"
"Woah, ok! No need to get worked up about it!"
"Well... Just come with me and sit down, oh and a glass of water would be great."

I sat down on the couch. Last time I was here I didn't see this couch because it was moved to make room for our dinner for two. Everything was basically cleared out except for two chairs and the table. In less than a minute, Marouane came out of the kitchen with a glass of water in his hand and sat down next to me.

"Here you go."
"Thanks," I took a small sip then set the glass down on the low clear glass table.
"So, what's on your mind?"
"The last time I saw Adnan we got into a fight... I don't know, I just sort of feel bad."
"Do you, you know... Like him though?"
"I don't know."
"It's ok if you do, it's normal to like people. Just let yourself like him."
"Why not?"
"Because he'll be like every other football player!"
"And what's that supposed to mean?"

He crossed his arms and his expression immediately changed. His smile turned upside down. The mood in the room switched, too. I might have just said the wrong thing in front of the wrong person...

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way! I just... Don't want to get hurt and I'm uncertain about Adnan."
"He's not that type of-"
"Well obviously you didn't see him when he was last with me. I saved myself before I got hurt."
"Trinity, I'm sorry about what happened, but you at least need to give him a chance. At least as friends."
"Come on."
"I want nothing to do with him and-"

I was cut off when the front door flung open. Adnan slammed the door behind him and threw his hands up into the air. I could read him perfectly and something was really frustrating him. I wasn't sure what, at the time, but we were about to find out soon enough.

"Can you believe it?! I meet a fan and they should be thankful, right?! Well guess what?" He put his hands on his hips and sort of laughed to himself. He continued to rant, "They had the guts to tell me that I should play better! I'm sorry, it's not my fault coach doesn't play me! I've worked hard and you know that! Extra work in the gym, training hard at practice! This guy had the nerve to tell me he could do better out there than I could! He said I play like shit!"
"Adnan, that's not-"
"It's cause you do play like shit."

The room was silenced after my comment. Adnan's eyes locked with mine and at that moment, I couldn't tell what he was feeling. He stood there for a second and stared deeply into my eyes. I don't think he acknowledged my presence until I spoke up. I didn't know what was going to come next.

"Trinity..." His jaw dropped as he was surprised to see me.

At a fast pace, he began to walk over to me. It made me move back in my seat. With each step he took, it made me feel even more uncomfortable.

"Trinity, please. Just let me explain, I need your attention for at least-"
"I don't want to hear it."
"Please," he pleaded, moving closer to me.
"No," I put a hand on his chest.

Clearly, he didn't get the message of me stopping him from coming any closer with my hand. He pushed my arm aside and embraced me. I struggled in his arms, but his grip around me was so tight, leaving no escape. Eventually, I just decided to hug back. It was pointless. In those five seconds that we were hugging, I felt this weird feeling in my stomach. Butterflies or something... I don't know.

Adnan sat down and took both of my hands in his as he began to speak, "Trinity, give me a second chance. I'm not saying for you to forgive me so easily or right away, but let me explain things. I need to sort this out."
"It's killing me, Trinity! It's almost eating me from the inside out and slowly I'm becoming nothing. It's an indescribable feeling. I lie awake at night, sleepless nights, random thoughts. I can not get you out of my head. There's a pain in my chest, in my heart. I need to fix this, please."
I sighed, "Alright."
"Thank you! Trinity, I am so sorry about that. It's just, if people found out about you- I don't know, they'd maybe think we were dating."
"Yes, dating. And right now, I can't have that happening! I'm already struggling enough and this would just draw more negative attention towards me. My dad would go mental. He's already upset, calling me every single day, maybe even twice! He keeps trying to get me to move back with him, but I like it here with Felli."
"Yeah, man."
"See, he likes me here too."
"Hey, I never said that."

I laughed at what he said.

"Anyway, please Trinity, I need us to be ok."
"Ok," I agreed, slightly smiling.
"Yeah, I get it... I guess."
"Oh my gosh, thank you... I've never met a girl like you."
"I guess I can say that I've never met a guy... as crazy as you."
"That's for sure!"
"See, Marouane agrees with me!" I said to Adnan.
"Ok, ok, fine... I might be a little crazy..."
"A lot," Marouane corrected.
"Oh, and what was that about you saying I played like shit?"
"You do."
"Say that again?!"
"Step it up, come on. I know you can do it."

He was silent, but he got the message.

Adnan's POV

It was later that night when Trinity was brought up into our conversation. She had left a few hours ago because she had to go back home, but I was glad that I got to see her for a little bit.

"She was real honest with you, Adnan."
"I know, I liked it."
"You liked that?!"
"Wait a minute," he shook his head, "I thought one minute you were saying that you were mad at some guy who said you played like shit, then the next you let her say the same?!"
"It was different."
"How so?!"
"Constructive criticism."
"Constructive criticism. Is that so?" He chuckled.
"That's right, you heard me."
"You're a handful..."
"Trinity's going to have a hard time putting up with you. That's all I can say."
"Come on, I'm not that difficult!"
"Sure," he joked.

Overall, it was a good day. I think Trinity and I are on good terms again.

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