Chapter 17

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Adnan's POV

"You always know what to say."

It was true. Every time I was feeling down or having second thoughts, she'd lift my spirit and pick me up. It's what I loved about her. I love her. I love Trinity. And today, I'm going to find out if she likes me back. I've finally mustered up enough courage (if you can even call it that) to express my feelings towards her more clearly. Or maybe it's just because I am plain stupid. I really am stupid for doing this, but it's too late to go back now.

She giggled, "Thanks, I guess?
"Alright, come on, you're going to love this."
"A surprise, I see... Tell me now?"

She smiled at me. Man, she has the prettiest smile in the world. Her teeth are nice. There white and straight for the most part. I don't mind the one slightly crooked tooth, it's makes her smile all the cuter. I want to hold her in my arms so tight, make her feel safe in someone's arms. I wished she'd be mine. All mine to have, all mine to keep.

"That'd ruin the surprise, wouldn't it now?"
I smirked at her as she whined, "Please!" She sang.
"I hate you."

Those words hit me like a brick to the face. My chest burned and I clenched my fists.

Randomly, she just burst out laughing. Um, ok then?

"You should have seen your face!"
"Huh?" Clearly she was joking.
"I'm just messing with you, it's my little way of getting back," she winked.

Girls are so confusing sometimes. They're happy one second, mad the other, sad and in tears, what next? It's ok though, Trinity controls herself for the most part. Even if she did get upset, I'd be patient and understanding. I could deal with all this, it was worth it if I got the most precious thing in the world: Trintiy.

She was squinted her eyes and clutching her abdomen. Her laughs filled the car. I kept myself from looking over too often and staring. Also, I couldn't really because I was driving and needed to keep my eyes on the road. That'd be hard with a distraction as great as her. She was perfect.

"So, going to tell me now?"
"No, actually, I'm planning to show you."
"Works for me."

She turned her head and looked out the window. She stayed quiet and peaceful, keeping her back facing me. I studied her tan coat and her nicely braided hair. I liked how she normally wore it like that. Braids are cool, I wish I could do that with my hair. I was laughing in my head.

I had everything set up perfectly and was hoping for the right answer from Trinity. I know it was kind of lame, but I was taking her to Nando's because it was kind of where we had our first "date". Plus, Trinity was that type of girl who didn't care about all the money and fame. I was nervous because the last time I took a girl here she went to the media and our story was all over. I knew Trinity wasn't like that, but I couldn't help but feel the slightest bit nervous. What if something went wrong? I just hoped for the best.

Trinity's POV

I was really eager to find out the big surprise. I pushed Adnan to tell me, but he wouldn't even give me a hint. It was annoying, but in a good way of course. Like in a joking friend kind of way. I don't really have many friends, so I try to enjoy time with Adnan, since he's one of my only friends. Despite out past experiences, we get along for the most part. It's all good.

Adnan's fingers were drumming on the steering wheel. He kept a steady beat. I knew that's what my dad did when he was nervous. He'd always tap his fingers on the closest surface he could find. I wondered what thoughts were racing through his mind.

I jolted forward as Adnan slammed on the brakes. My seatbelt strained against me, preventing me from flying forward. Adnan honked loudly at the car that unexpectedly cut in front of us. The driver gave us the finger and Adnan cursed under his breath.

"Calm down."
"That asshole almost got us into an accident."
"It's ok now, isn't it?"
He stared at me for seconds, then exhaled, "Yes..."
"Good," I smiled and got a small one out of him.

A couple of minutes later, he pulled the car over. We were parked on the side of some street. I wasn't entirely sure where we were because as soon as I stepped out of the car I was attacked by Adnan. One hand was covering my eyes and the other was around my waist. His hand was on my stomach and he pulled me closer, closing the gap between us. It was a bit weird.

"Close your eyes," he whispered into my ear. I could feel his hot breath tickle my neck.
"I can't see, you hand is in the way."
"Come with me and don't peek."
"I won't, I promise."

He guided me over somewhere that wasn't too far away from the spot we parked. I felt he hand that was shielding my eyes move down my body and grab the other side of my waist. He was still holding me against him in his firm grip. Even though I did have the choice to open my eyes, I didn't until Adnan told me I could. With both hands on my hips, he moved me ahead a few paces.


I'm back!!! Also, would you be interested in reading a scifi kind of fanfic? Adnan would obviously be featured in it. Let me know because I might start working on one.

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