Me Hearteys, Bermuda Triangle Ahead (Ollie P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

I raised my spyglass to my eye and looked ahead.

The Bermuda Triangle, the triangle of drowning ships we pirates liked to call it, was right there. 

Shiver me timbers, this is ship shall not go down. 


I promise that me ship. 

"Guys, we're about 50 ft away!" I yelled at the deck. 

4 days had passed since our quest had started, and we only had 2 more days left. I guess that's what happens when you rest for one whole day. The pressure was building up faster than I imagines. Then I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. 

"You OK?" she whispered in my ear. Kayla. 

"Yeah, but I hope that I make it out in one piece." I whispered back. Kayla looked so out of place at see. The glitter and the bright clothing.. it all made her.. attractive?

I pushed away the thought. 

Friends. Just friends. Nothing serious. Don't be oblivious like Jax. Friends. Or more?

I looked deep into her amber eyes. They were so comforting. He lips looked so delicate and soft. 

Our faces inched closer, time moving slowly.....

"OLLIE!" yelled Gilly from the deck. My eyes fluttered open, Kayla's blushing face inches away. 

Thank goodness it wasn't a dream. 

"Kayla? Ollie? Get your weapons, we're going in, and I already see a monster." she said.

After grabbing my sword, I took out my spyglass again, and I saw something that looked a lot like a deck.

"Hey Gilly, you seeing what I'm seeing?" I yelled. 

"You mean the landing port? Yes!" she yelled back. 

"Ollie! Land us there!" said Talia. 

I steered the ship towards the landing port and Gilly, Talia, and Auriana were the first one to jump out. 

In a flash, they were all transformed into their princess versions. 

A huge moster, shaped like a scorpion, but with only one eye came down from nowhere. 


"Why you scared Gilly?" teased Jocelyn. 

"Shut up!" she fired back. 

"Jocelyn. Let Gilly focus." said Prince Charming, ahem, Jax, to Jocelyn. 

"Yeah, Jocelyn, take it calm for a second. Let's meditate." said Maxine. She plopped herself down on the floor and went into a meditation pose.

"You do that a lot don't you?" said Jocelyn. 

"Yeah." said Maxine. 

"Ready girls?" asked Gilly. 





They all started firing attacks, chanting spells so fast I could barely make them out. In less than 3 minutes, the monster had dissapeared. 

"Let's go guys, we want to do this as fast as we can. Resting for a day does not help." said Gilly. 

We all got on the landing deck and started trekking forwards. I glanced at Jax. 

"Are you striding?" I asked, smirking. Jax blushed.


"Oh yes you are." said Auriana.

"No I am-"

"Guys focus! And yes, you are Jax, we're not dumb." said Gilly, a smirk playing on her face. Jax grumbled some words under his breath. 

Then the whole ground shook. Everyone stumbled forward. Jax caught Gilly, who had stumbled backwards, making Gilly blush like a madman, and so did Maxine, who almost crushed Jocelyn, before Talia pushed Maxine back up with crystal. 

"Thank you." said Jocelyn, still flustered from being almost crushed by Maxine. 

Kayla caught me, since she was flying in the air, andI could feel my cheeks heating up from the contact. 

I steadied myself and Kayla landed next to me. 

"You OK?" she asked. I looked at her. 

"Yeah.." I trailed off. She looked so breathtaking in the cold surroundings. I watched as Kayla shivered. 

"You cold?" I asked. 

"Y-yeah." she stuttered.

I took off my hoodie and put it on her. She stood there, blushing like crazy. 

"Better?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That was sooooo cliche." said Gilly. Everyone glared. 

"I'm just saying, its always like that in the movies. The boy asks, 'You cold?' the girl stutters going 'yeah' and then the boy gives the girl the jacket or hoodie, and then asks,'better?' and then the girl stutters again saying 'yeah' and then they grab each other's hands and then look at the same thing." she said, for the boy parts going really deep, and for the girl parts going really high. 

"Actually, its a true fact." added Jax. 

"See!" she exclaimed. 

"OK! Can we hurry up now, we have 4 hours till sunset and we need to rest more, because we will be tired." said Auriana. 

"Speak for yourself." said Jocelyn. 

"Girls, not the time! Let's go!" said Gilly. 

After everyone stopped looking I leaned in.

"Let's finish that cliche part." I said. Kayla grabbed my hands, and then we both looked into the distance, hoping for a better future.. 

Maybe together...

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊'𝖘 𝕬 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 | 𝐅𝐓𝐑𝐒 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now