At least she didn't ask to clean up... Nevermind. (Jocelyn P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

I stood in my room. A series of potions and powders were scattered across a table in the middle of the room. A scroll was on the floor. I scooped it up and brushed off some unicorn horn dust from it. 

"A cup of slug snot." I muttered quietly so only I could hear. 

I was trying to make a cooking potion, so that all the terrible food that my sister made would be made into a glorious feast that I could actually enjoy. This potion was really important because AG would soon be here with Maxine and I needed to make sure that this was flawless

The stuff slowly oozed out of the cup and I felt like barfing. The potion didn't seem so convincing by the looks of it. 

"Jocelyn, what in the world are you doing in there?" My sister called from the kitchen. 

"NOTHING!!!!"I called back quickly. 

"OK, well, I'm going to my room for a second, could you watch the soup?" 

"SURE!" I yelled as loud as I could. I turned my attention back to the gurgling potion. I grabbed a cup and scooped up some of the disgusting stuff and tip-toed out of my room and into the kitchen. I poured the potion into the pot of soup and BOOM!

Sparks exploded from the pot and it almost looked like a fireworks show. There was whistling and booms and all sorts of loud sounds. 

My sister bursted out from her room and shrieked when a firework came flying out her. It hit her and there was a flash and a bunch of sparks and whistles and BOOM! 

My sister was gone.

 I looked down to where she had been just seconds ago and there was a frog

"Ribbit" it said. 

OMG, did I just turn my sister into a frog? I picked up the frog in my cupped hands. 

Yup, it was definitely my sister. 

The crown and black gives it away. 

"Ding Dong." Oh no! Oh no no! Oh no no no! This possibly couldn't be happening. 

The doorbell rang again. 

"Jocelyn, you there?" A voice called. It was AG and Maxine. 

I hid Harlow behind my back and went to the front door. 

Maxine and AG stood at the front door. They stared at me. 

"JOCELYN!!!!!" Maxine shrieked and pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. 

"Maxine..." I said weakly. AG saw that I was hiding something behind my back. 

"What's that Jocelyn?" AG said. I couldn't defend myself now. I pulled out Harlow from behind me and made a 'ribbit' sound. Maxine and AG gasped. 

"What are you doing with the poor thing?!" AG exclaimed. 


"Its what?" AG asked. 

"Its my sister, I accidently turned her into a frog!" I said with a hint of relief in my tone.

The two gasped again. 

"You... WHAT!?!?!??" Maxine said. 

"It was an accident, I was trying to make a potion that would make her food a little better but then it turned her into a frog instead." I rambled. 

"At least she looks a little better?" AG said, trying to make the situation a little better. 

I gave her a death stare.

"Well, there must be an antidote. Right?" Maxine guessed.

Of course! 

I rushed back to my room and scanned the scroll. At the very bottom there was an antidote spell. 

"Take this frog in my hand

And turn it back to what it was beforehand!"

There was a wave of sparkles and washed over Harlow and she leaped out of my hands and became her human self again. I hugged my sister. 

Then I remembered she was the Evil Queen. I stepped back.

My sister gave a hard-stone look. 


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It was just.. I was trying to make a potion that would make your cooking a little better and the potion.. well, it didn't work." 

Harlow hard look softened a bit and I felt relieved. We both went back to the kitchen, where Maxine and AG were. 

"I have to get to FTRS. I'll see you girls later." she looked at all of us and left. Phew, at least she didn't ask me to clean up. 

"And Jocelyn, don't forget to clean up." she said before she slammed the door behind her.


"Its OK Jocelyn, we'll help you." said Maxine. 

"Thanks guys." I summoned the broom and the dustpan and we got to work.

I guess lunch would have to wait. 

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊'𝖘 𝕬 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 | 𝐅𝐓𝐑𝐒 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now