All Hail Queen...Gillian? (Gilly P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Quick note for all: Most likely all chapter from now on will be from Gilly's P.O.V, but I might be sneaking in a few Jax, Kayla, Jocelyn, and maybe even Auriana or Talia P.O.Vs.

Jax was still a little weak from, well, almost dying but he was able to walk on his own. 

The moment I came into the room, Maxine crushed me. 

"We thought you were dead!" she shrieked. 

"Actually, I was actually dead." Jax said. Ollie backed away. 

"So you're a...zombie?" he asked. 

"Oh no. I was revived from the dead. Totally different thing." 

Wait a second. 

Did he hear when I said...

I sneaked a glance at Jax, but he was busy telling Ollie about his death. 

His death. 

"Wait, where are the teachers?" I asked.

"We put them to rest. They looked really tired, and hopefully they'll have enough energy when we get back." Kayla explained. 

"So.. what with the whole gig? Did Praxina have like, a dress-up box or something?" Jocelyn asked, pointing at my dress. 

"Oh. About that. I have absolutely no idea." I said sarcastically. I looked at Talia, who sighed. 

"OK, so, this is kinda confusing. Buut, you know how Ephidia is all hearts and love?" Auriana asked. I nodded. "So, we normally call it a 'heart spark" but it's basically when your heart, goes, "Oh I love this person so much! Blah, blah, blah." she explained. My cheeks heated up and Jocelyn smirked. Kayla, Maxine, and even Ollie squealed. 

And Jax just obliviously stood there. 

I mentally slapped myself. 

"And so, when a 'heart spark' happens to the princess that's supposed to become queen, she attains her queenly power and is crowned queen." Talia said. 

My jaw dropped. 

I was Queen of Ephidia?

"But of course, there's a bunch of other stuff to do. Like get married, have the official coronation, and the lighting ceremony, so yeah." she continued. 

"So Gilly can't become queen until she gets married?" Ollie asked. 


Ollie looked at Jax and smiled mischeviously. 

"Ollie." I called out in a warning tone. 

"What is it my queen?" he teased, dipping into a bow. 

I decided to play along, "Get out of my sight, peasant."

Ollie laughed, "Of course, Your Crankiness."

We all started laughing. 

"So now what do we do?" Maxine asked. 

Talia answered, " We go back." at the same time Auriana answered, "Find Gilly a husband." 

"AURIANA!" Talia and I shrieked. 

"It's true. You need to find a proper husband to marry so you can become queen as soon as possible!" Auriana pouted. 

"I'm sure we can do that once we get back to Enchantsia. There's probably hundreds of boys lined up my door at this moment!" I said. 

I felt Jax's eyes on me, but I didn't meet them. 

"Well then, you'll be fine. Let's get back home!" Kayla exclaimed. 

"I'm gonna go check on my sister." Joceyln said, and left the room. 

"I'm gonna go check on me hearty Blackbeard." and Ollie left the room as well. 

"I'm guessing you're gonna leave now?" I asked Kayla. 

"No! Just because you're wearing a gown and a crown doesn't mean I'm intimidated by you!" she said. 

I raised a questioning eyebrow and she winced, "OK, maybe a little intimidated. The last time I saw you in a dress was when we were 18 and at prom OK! You can't blame me. And the crown makes you look queen-ish." 

I sighed and laughed at the same time. 

"I'm gonna go get some rest. I mean, I was just stabbed with a sword so, yeah." And Jax left. 

"Me too, I'm a little tired as well." Kayla said nervously. 

"Me too." Talia and Auriana said at the same time. 

I looked sadly at Maxine, who winced, "I mean, you should get some rest too Gilly! I mean, aren't you feeling drained?" she asked. 

"I actually feel completely fine." I said. 

"Then maybe you could practice or something! I couldn't even sleep in the prison so I'm gonna get some rest too." she said sadly. 

I gave them a sad smile, "OK then, get some rest." They all ran out of the room faster than you could say 'fiddlesticks'. 

"I guess it's just you and me, magic." I summoned a bunch of sparkles and laughed, spinning around. 

I guess being lonely isn't as boring with magic. 


(Jax P.O.V) (Let's switch!)


I rushed to my room, Talia, Auriana, Kayla, and Maxine coming after a few minutes. Jocelyn and Ollie were already there. 

"So what did you say?" I asked. 

"Told her to play with her magic." Auriana smiled. 

"Great! So. Have any ideas?" I asked everyone. 

"Oh! Oh! I was thinking maybe we should make it a surprise and send her a mysterious letter." Maxine said. 

"I don't think she would be stupid to go to a place that some mysterious sender told her to go." Jocelyn said. 

"True, but if it's a place she can be sure that it's safe, she would go right?" I stated. 

"So how about FTRS?" Ollie suggested. 

"Good idea Ollie." I wrote that down in my notebook and Ollie smiled proudly. 

"I'm sure the king can keep a secret." Talia said. 

"Of course he can! He's the king Talia!" Auriana said. 

"Oh and also. I was thinking...." Auriana raised an eyebrow at me. 

"I love her." I blurted. 

Ollie, Kayla, and Maxine's jaws gasped. 

Talia smirked. 

Auriana looked like she was gonna burst.

"Congratulations, you're the last one to know." Jocelyn said sarcastically. I scowled. 

"And since she's been getting all these marriage prop-"

"YOU'RE GONNA PROPOSE?!" Everyone said. 

"Yeah...But if it's a bad idea-"

"No. You are going to do it. No objections." Auriana said. 

"And you would make a great king Jax. I would love to work with you." Talia said smiling. 

"And we pretty much all know that she's been crushing on you." Kayla said. 

"Oh yeah. It was hilarious when Anna was just blank when Gilly admitted it and then bursted." Maxine said. 

"OK, well, we're getting off topic. How do you think Jax should propose?" Ollie said. 

"Oh yes. That is very important." said Jocelyn. 

I smirked, "I have the perfect idea."

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