Confess Your Love or Get Ripped Apart (Maxine P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

This was exciting.

So we were going to kidnap a pirate, and give him a choice to confess his love or get ripped apart. 

Wow, just wow Ollie. 

Well, it was originally Uma's idea, but not entirely. I mean, we people added the 'confess your love' part. 

I can really get violent. Like AG in beast form. OMG, I'm like AG!! That means I'm like a princess. EEEEEEEEEEEE! 

I need to think.

So we were going to Isle, capture Harry, make Uma come for him, and make them confess love. 

Sounds simple enough. 

"Gilly! We're here." called Ollie from the steering position. I swear I saw him shiver, by bad memories probably. 

The island looked like colorful paint rained on it. Everywhere you looked, there was a pop of color. 


A purple limo drove down the road. 

Out came a man with honey-blonde hair, wearing a regal royal blue tuxedo and a golden crown. Another girl with chin-lenghth purple hair, wearing a long purple dress with bits of green. After that, 3 others came out. One with long blue hair, a blue blouse and blue skirt, decorated with red poisoned apple and a tiny tiara to top it off. A muscular boy with a dirty red beanie, a leather top and combat boots. And a tiny boy with white to black hair, baggy pants and a white, red, and black long sleeve leather shirt. They all stood there, as 4 little kids ame up to them holding scrolls. 

No way! It was Queen Mal, King Ben, Evie, Jay, and Carlos. 

"Gilly, look!" I said pointing at them. Gilly rushed to the side of the deck and her eyes widened. 

"Mal?" she whispered under her breath. 

"Ollie, park the ship near the bridge." she said, looking back at Ollie on the top of the deck. 

"Ay yay, Captain Gilly." We drew nearer to court and jumped off once the anchor was down. The 5 people spun around, and Mal's hands dropped to her sides at the sight of Gilly. 

"Gilly?" she said slowly. 

"Mal?" said Gilly. The 2 rushed to each other and hugged tightly. 

"Evie, Jay, Carlos?" They all created a huge bear hug, tempting me to join in. 

They all took a step back and King Ben went to Jax and bowed. Jax bowed back. 

"Good to see you, Jax." 

"Same to you, Ben." 

How come these 2 know everyone? 

"How's the love life?" Ben said quietly. Ben glanced at Gilly and punched Jax playfully on the shoulder.

Well ogre ears come in handy now, don't they?

"You should do it." 

"Not now though, we got some problems." said Jax. Ben's smile changed and looked at Mal at the same time Mal looked at him. Then the 2 groups joined. Gilly took a deep breath. Auriana and Talia looked at her like why do you need to do that

"Its Praxina." Auriana said, since Gilly was taking too long to say it. Gilly scowled. 

"I was going to say that." she said. Auriana shrugged. 

We told them everything.


Mal, I mean, Queen Mal wrinkled her nose. I took a sniff in the air. 

"Ew, what is that?" We all looked toward the Isle, and the children that had came out were roasting something... something unpleasant. 

"Nevermind that now, we need to find Harry." said Jay. Then he smirked. "And I think I know just where to find him." He whistled really loud. And with these ogre ears, that meant really, really, really, loud. Out of nowhere, a pirate dressed in green leaped and landed. 

"Jay?" Jay looked at us with a see that? look. 

"Gil, my man. We need some help." 


"Anything bro."

Bro? OK, this was getting weirder. Evie looked at me and whispered in my ear. 

"I don't understand them either." she said, and grinned. I fought the urge to laugh.

"We need Harry." he said. 

"Did someone say me name?" We spun around, took see Harry Hook, biting his hook in a mischevious way. 

"Nice ship you have there." he said, pointing at the ship we had arrived in. 

"Harry." Gilly said through gritted teeth and and a bittersweet smile. 

"Gilly, how wonderful," he said, lowering his voice at 'how wonderful' Guess he really hated her. Mal whispered something in her ear. Then she glanced and Talia who nodded at her. 

"What are these little ladies-"

"And lads" said Ollie, cutting off Harry. Harry shot him an evil eye. 

"-doing here?" Harry finished.

A rope shot out of Talia's hand and wrapped itself around Harry. He yelped and fell to the ground, unable to keep his balance. 

"Grab him and go, we have to go back to the palace." said King Ben.

"Gil, tell Uma." Jay told Gil. Gil nodded and went back to where he came from.

How, and why?

Ollie hauled Harry onto his ship, and removed the fake hook of his hand. 

"Wh-" Jax slapped a piece of duct tape to his face. We all looked at Jax.

"You can never be too prepared." he said.  


"I guess now.. we wait?" said Jocelyn. 

"Yeah." Kayla and Auriana said at the same time. 

"This  is going to be long." Talia and I said at the same time. We looked at each other. Then burst into laughter. 

"Well, Maxine, truth or dare?" asked Gilly, smirking. 

"Nope, never that game again." I stood up. Gilly started chasing after me and I ran around the deck. 

Seems like this waiting time would be short. 

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