I'm the First-Mate (Ollie P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Gilly's the captain, and I'm the first-mate. 

I seriously had to get that in my head. Though it seemed like Gilly was letting me be captain. Thanks Gilly. 

Honestly, if I wasn't captain, I would probably be eating pattycakes right now, so I'm grateful for the job. Or I'd be completely useless. You get the point. I was also the person who steered the ship. In fact, I was the person who did almost everything. That's because I'm the only one with expirience. 

You know what, forget about it. 

Talia seemed a little sea sick. Every once in a while, she was tripping over nothing. 

Gilly had already shown me the map. When she told me we were going to the Bermuda Triangle, I was like nope, nope, and nope.

"Ollie, you have a fairy, a witch, a prince, an ogre, and 3 magical princesses aboard your ship. Your ship will be fine." she had said. 

I was assured by that. Though not Jocelyn, because.. nevermind. I felt like a real captain now, sailing through 1 of the 7 seas. 

"WAAAAAAAIT, STOOOP THE SHIIIIP." screamed a voice. I hit the brakes on the ship. 

Well, it doesn't really have brakes-

"Maxine? Whats wrong?" Gilly asked while panicking. 

"WE DON'T HAVE OUR STUFF!" she said. Everyone was like "OMG" or "oops". I really had nothing to say because everything I own was on this ship. 

"You guys overreact to much." I said. 

"Well at least all your stuff is on the ship!" said Kayla. 


"Who would like to use magic and get there stuff?" Talia asked. Hands shot up in the air.

This, is I had to see. 

Talia took us to her room and said some words. A life size appearance of a room appeared and Auriana hurried in. Everything was outlined by blue. Auriana came out and the stuff she came out with looked real.  Woah.

"You. have. got. to. teach. me. that." said Gilly.  

"I will, once you're queen."she said.

Gilly crossed her arms poutily.

Everyone took their turns. I was pretty surprised by Jax's bedroom, because it was really, really messy. Like, really messy. Gilly's was unexpectantly neat. Once everyone got their stuff, Maxine finally calmed down. 


"We need to back up a little."I said. Everyone took a few steps back. I slapped my forehead. facepalmed.

"Not that. I mean like, you said that Gilly was going to be queen?" I asked Talia.

"Oh. Well, you know, a princess is crowned queen eventually." she said. 

"Well, doesn't she have to be married for that?" I asked her, eyeing Jax. 

"Well, I only become queen when I get married." said Gilly. "So yeah." 

"OK, pretend I said nothing."I said and Talia waved her hands over Kayla's room. It dissapeared. 

"You know, now that you've got all your stuff, it's time to talk strategy." said Talia. She summoned a blue crystal table. It was cold to the touch, but wasn't made out of metal. 

How do I know?

A pirate's gotta know their metals. 

"Well, here's the map." I placed the map on the table. 

"Wait, who's steering the ship?!" asked Jax frantically.

"It's on autosteer." I said with a sigh. Jax took a breath.

"First, we head to Shipwreck Cove, where we get some help from Hayley. She may know things about Uma that I've never known."

"That could also be very useful, knowing more about your enemy." said Talia.

"But didn't Uma turn good? And why are we onto Uma?" I asked.

"Well, Uma may have seen Praxina, but she'll ask for something in return. So we'll need to get her something good. And, if use something against Uma that'll make her get on our side, 1. we'll have a better chance of winning, and 2. Ollie won't keep using his pirate stuff on us."

"Yes!" said Jocelyn. I think she meant whispering that. I gave her an evil eye.

"Anyways, we're going to have to go" -gulp-" the Isle of the Lost." said Gilly.

"Wait, the Isle?" asked Maxine.

"We're going to need Hades' ember. It's the only way." said Gilly. 

"So..." I trailed off.

"We're going to need to hide this ship well." Gilly said. I gulped now. 

"But I am the only one going." she said.

"WHAT?" said everyone, including Talia and Auriana. 

"I have.. things to settle with my uncle." she said, playing the her fingers. 

"Your uncle?" Maxine and Jax said in union. 

"Yeah, Hades is my uncle, my father's brother." 

"That must of been were you got your evil stuff from." I said. Kayla playfully punched my arm. But oh. That. Was. Hard. I gently rubbed my shoulder, but even that was painful. 

"Does that mean you're related to Queen Mal?" Jax asked. 

"Yeah, she's my cousin." she said. 

"I want all of your family members in a list by tommorow morning." Jax said. 

Gilly stared at him like he was physco. We all did. 

"What, you have a lot of family." he said, waving his hands in the air. I slowly nodded in agreement. 

"Last but not least, we go to Praxina, back-up or not." said Gilly, and she rolled up the map.

"And I'll be training you." said Talia, standing up. 

"But of course, not just her, us too." Gilly said for Auriana and her, also pushing Talia back in her seat.

"Why not?" said Kayla. Auriana blinked two times. 

"I mean, unless you want to dragging yourself around the ship and barely getting enough sleep." said Auriana. Talia summoned a crystal threateningly.

"But you'll be prepared." Auriana added quickly, and Talia let the crystal dissapear. 

"I'm already the expert at swords here." I said proudly.

"Wanna bet?" Gilly asked. I shook my head. 

"I thought so." 

"Training starts now until  7." declared Talia. 

"WHAT?" said everyone except for Auriana and Gilly. 

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." said Auriana and stood up. 

"Wait, where's Jocelyn?" said Maxine, pointing at where she would have been. We all ran outside and saw Jocelyn vomiting in the ocean. 

Gilly walked up to her and handed her a cookie.

"Eat this and you'll feel much better. Homemade cookies, works like a charm." she said. 

Jocelyn took one bite of the cookie and her green face was back to its normals color again. She blinked.

"That's good." said Jocelyn, like it was the most suprising thing ever. 

"Well, now that that's settled with, lets start training!" said Gilly. 

I look back at the place where Jocelyn had been standing and wrinkled my nose. 

I am not cleaning up witch vomit. 

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊'𝖘 𝕬 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 | 𝐅𝐓𝐑𝐒 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now