Home Sweet Ho- Wait what are they doing here? (Gilly P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

"Land ho!" Blackbeard shouted from the top of the deck. 

I smiled. 

Home sweet ho- Wait what are they doing there? 

Men were lined up on the deck, holding flowers and boxes of chocolates, all shouting my name. 

"OK, so you weren't kidding when you said you had a bunch of suitors." Jax joked. 

I glared at him, " You're gonna have to help me manipulate." I pouted, crossing my arms. 

"Sure, Thief." he chuckled. 


"JOCELYN!" Jocelyn smirked and started throwing fireballs, making all of the men scream and back off.

I know how brutal this is, but trust me, I want nothing to do with them! 

"Here, we'll help." Auriana shot crystal barnacles are the stone and they traveled up, making them all run away screaming. 

I saw my entire family lined up on the coast, my parents not shocked at all, but my siblings hiding behind my mother with a little fear. 

Blackbeard anchored the ship and I jumped off.

Anna and Trixie ran to me and hugged me tightly. 

"I-can't-breathe." I choked out. 

They let go nervously. 

Talia and Auriana jumped out and bowed. 

"Rise." My father commanded. 

"Dad. You're being intimidating again." I muttered. 

"Thank you for protecting our daughter once again." My mother said kindly. 

"It was an honor, You Highness." Talia said politely. 

"...Can you guys cut the formalities? It's starting to freak me out." I finally said. 

"I heard about the crowning." my mother said. 

"Yup!" I said unenthustiasticly. 

"Who was the sparker?" she asked. 

I looked down at my feet but Jocelyn spoke for me, "Jax." 

"Wait it was?" Jax asked confused. 

"Yes you idiot!" Kayla smacked his head. 

"He's too oblivious for his own good." Ollie muttered. 

I looked at the ground, suddenly interested in my shoes rather than meeting Jax's eyes. 

"OK, so do we bow...or like...?" Ollie asked.

"Please don't." my mother said exasperately. "It's weird when we're not even in our Ephidian forms." she said. 

"Well Gillian. We'll be off now." Flora said. 

"Of course. Do you have a..oh."

A carriage waited for them and all of the teachers except for Flora were waiting.

"And uh, who is taking care of the children?" she asked. 

"AG. Last I saw them, they were making paper butterflies I think.." I said. Flora chuckled. Professor Sebastian and Beauty smiled at each other as well. 

"Interesting. Well then, I'll see you later Gillian." Flora waved goodbye and climbed into the carriage. The pegasus took off and we all waved as they took to the sky. 

"But we might as well head back to our house. Then we can explain Gillian's coronation in full." my father said. 

He snapped his fingers and my stomach flip-flopped. When I opened my eyes, we were back in my house. 

"Next time..please give us a warning." Maxine said, her face completely green. 

"I'll get a trash bag." Anna said. "The biggest one we have." she corrected, and went to go get a trash bag. 

"Now sit. This will take a while."


"Woah." Jax said, sitting back in his chair. 

"Yeah. Woah." Ollie said. 

"Honestly. That process is a lot longer than I thought it would be." said Jocelyn. 

"For once. I agree with her." I said. 

"And that's rare." Kayla muttered. 

"You all should get some rest. I'm sure the castle will be open." Dad looked at my mother. 

"Yes. It should be."

"Wait what castle?" Maxine asked. 

"Our castle of course. In Ephidia." 

--- (I know, I know, that's a lot of time skips...)

"This is amazing." Jax said. 

"This is your castle?" Ollie asked. 

"Well. Not mine. It's more my mom's. But it will be mine in the future, if I marry an Ephidian."

"Awesome.." he muttered in awe. 

"Gillian will direct you to your room and you may join us for dinner." Mother said. 

"Come on. The rooms here are awesome." 

"So here is Maxine's and Kayla's." I opened the door with Maxine's and Kayla's name written on it. 

"Wait, how did our names appear on the door?" Maxine asked. 

"Magic. It can only be used by queens. So it was probably my mom."

Maxine nodded. 

I opened the door and Maxine's jaw dropped. 

Inside was two white twin beds with tool hanging from the bed frame, creating a sort of tent. Fairy lights glimmered all over the room, there was a white fluffy rug on the floor, and a large chandelier on the ceiling. 

"And then this one will be Ollie and Jax." 

This one was almost like two different rooms put together. 

One was neat and all blue and purple, with a dark blue rug and twin size bed. The other side though, was yellow and green with a twin size bed. 

"Woah." said Jax. 

"And then the last one will be Jocelyn." I opened Jocelyn's room, which was completely black and dark purple. 

"Alone and dark colored. Just how I like it." she smiled. 

"Talia and Auriana will have their regular rooms, and I'll be in mine, which is in the east quarters. I'll see you guys later."


Talia P.O.V


After Gilly left, we all looked at Jax. 

"Let's go into our room." and we all rushed to Jax and Ollie's room.

"So what do you think? It's gonna be on FTRS and we've already figured out a date, but we should obviously know what we're gonna do for it." I said. 

"Well, I was thinking clues, almost like a scavenger hunt, and then I'll be at the end." Jax said. 

"Nice. But besides that. In the party." Auriana said. 

"Something not too big. I mean, this is Gillian we're talking about here." Jocelyn said. 

"So how about a small party. The royals, you guys, us, her family, and FTRS?" Kayla suggested. 

"Yes! And we can make it all purple and blue." Maxine said excitedly. 

"Perfect. Then that it is."

"She's gonna have the perfect birthday ever!"

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