Do you hear that? (Maxine P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

4 hours had past and the sun was just setting. 

Gilly, Talia, and Auriana had battled so many monsters and were starting to look a little tired. Jax had insisted that they stop but Gilly and the princesses would just keep going. 

"OK, now we can rest." Gilly announced and the princesses flopped onto the ground, changing back to their regular forms. 

"Let's start with a plan." Jax sat on the ground and brought out a paper and a pencil, with a drawing of a large castle on it. "I was thinking a sneak attack. Most of us are wearing dark clothing so it would be easy to blend in. But some of us..." Jax's eye drifted to Kayla, who was all glittery and sparkly. 

"I should have a jacket in my bag for her." said Gilly. 


After that, we took a long time discussing the plan, eating food, and talking. 

2 hours later, almost everyone was asleep. Emphasize on almost. I was the only one awake (or so I thought) and I thought about my students. 

I would tell them the stories of our grand adventures and wondered how worried they'd be when their favorite teacher was missing. 

"Maxine? Is that you?" a voice asked from behind. 

"Who's there?" I asked into the darkness. 

"Just me Gilly, I look like a mess though, don't come here." said Gilly. 

"Oh OK." I muttered. 

"What's wrong?" asked Gilly. 

"I'm just thinking about my students." I replied. 


Then there was silence. 

"Hey Maxine, can I show you something?"  Gilly asked. 

"OK?" I stood up. 

"Close your eyes and hold my hand." Gilly instructed. I closed my eyes and held her hand. Gilly really cared about her appearance didn't she. 

We weaved through the forest until I felt a stone wall in front of me.

I heard the sound of a door closing and chains. 

"Gilly?" I asked into the darkness, my voice wavering with fear. 

"Oh don't worry, you'll be fine Maxine, dear." said a voice, and this time it wasn't Gilly's. It was cold and dark, like a brinicle. 

I opened my eyes to see a figure standing in front of me. It cackled and I whimpered. 

"You'll be the perfect bait." it sneered. It spun on its heel and slammed the iron door, leaving me alone. I scrambled to the bars and shook them. 

"NO! HELP! SOMEONE! HELP!" I screamed. Suddenly, I was thrown back by a force. Magic. 

Oh no. Gilly. 

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊'𝖘 𝕬 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 | 𝐅𝐓𝐑𝐒 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now