Under the Sea (Kayla P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

I stretched my arms and fluttered my wings. Ollie, Gilly, Jax, Jocelyn, basically everyone, was already awake. What? A fairy's gotta rest her wings. 

"Oh, Kayla, right on time, we were just getting breakfast ready." said Maxine. 

"I'm not dressed." I said pointing at my PJs.

"Well then, you better hurry before Amaru eats everything." said Gilly. She was holding Amaru who had drool hanging out of his mouth. 

I quickly got dressed and ready, then headed to the kitchen. I shrinked myself and fluttered in like a spy. I grabbed an Oreo from the cupboard and went back to maximum size again. I took a bite and went to the table. 

Everyone had already started eating. I took a seat and ate my oatmeal quietly. 

"Guys, we're here." said Ollie. There was a small beach with a girl on it. She waved at us. 

"Hayley!" said Maxine. 

Hayley jumped into the water and I could see her fishtail glistening under the clear water. She popped up next to the ship.

"Hey guys!" she said. 

"Hi!" we all said. 

"I got your message Gilly." she said. 

"Phew, I hoped it would. So, can you help us?" Gilly asked Hayley.

"Princess Ariel is waiting for you, she has something to say." We all looked into the water hesitantly. 

"Oops, I forgot." Hayley dove into the ocean and came out with 8 pieces of coral. 

"Hayley right? Its OK, we 3 don't need one." said Talia. Gilly looked at her and gave her a what are you talking about? look. 

"Transform." and the 3 transformed into their Ephidian forms. I thought Gilly looked way more fashionable like that. But she was still confused. 

"Now repeat after me. Crystal Aeris." said Talia. 

"Crystal Aeris." they all dove into the water. Then they resurfaced.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" said Gilly. Hayley looked at them in shock. Was that really how all our faces looked?

"We can breathe underwater." Gilly dove back down. 

Gilly seemed really excited for such a dangerous journey. 

"Eeeeee!" she was really excited. Hayley threw up our coral and we dove in. We couldn't talk, but we could live. We swam deep under the water and I could see bright lights in the distance. 

After a little more swimming, we had entered the magical underwater kingdom that belonged to King Triton and his daughters, including Ariel. But what really shocked me was that Ariel was underwater. 

Shouldn't she be part of our world? Like, on land? This must be that serious if she's underwater. 

Or maybe its just a special occasion. 

My face must of looked concerned, because Ollie patted my hand, as if saying, 'You OK?'  I nodded lightly. He held my hand and we continued swimming. A strange almost-clear dome covered the castle. As we entered, I felt as if I had been pushed by someone. My coral fell out and I held my breath.

"Don't worry its fine." said Hayley. I took a breath to see that I was OK, and I could talk. 

Hayley lead us to a ginormous castle that domed over the whole underwater kingdom. She took us inside, where Ariel, with her red hair bright and her green shiny tail glistening, sat on a throne, with a discomforting look on her face. 

Everyone seemed to be staring at Ollie and I.

Then I realized that Ollie was still holding my hand. 

We both looked down to our interlocked hands and quickly let go. 

Jocelyn was snickering, Maxine looked like she was going to start conducting an opera for a wedding, Jax looked like he was about to burst, and Gilly had already started humming "Tale As Old As Time." 

I sighed and pinched myself. Yep, this was really happening. Ariel and her sisters had already started to giggle as well. Ariel took and breath and her face became the stony expression it was before. 

"Uma, she is one layered one, isn't she?" asked Ariel, the question being directed to Gilly. Gilly sighed. 

"Full of grudges."


"The person who always has that look on her face which says what-do-you-want?".

"But there is more to her." said Ariel. "She had never had true love's kiss." We all froze. True love's kiss? How was that supposed to help us? 

"Remember Harry Hook?" asked Ariel.

"Yeah," replied Gilly. 

"Harry is her weak spot. She's had a crush on him forever."

"Say what?!" Gilly exclaimed. 

"And Harry had one on her too."

"Hold up, you're telling me, that Uma has had a crush on Harry and Harry has had a crush on Uma and so, to get Uma, is to have Harry confess his love for her?" Ariel nodded and Gilly looked like she was going to pass out.

"Ooh, ooh, we can kidnap and say if he doesn't confess, we'll throw him overboard." suggested Ollie excitedly.

"That... actually sounds like a good idea. Minding the fact that Harry did the same thing to King Ben. Well, minus the confessing love part," said Gilly. Jax looked like he was thinking, and then nodded his head as well. 

"Anything else?" Maxine asked Ariel. 

"Not that I know of. Madame Cleo won't remember anything, so there's no point in asking her. This is all I have,"

"Well, we better get going." I said. I really didn't want to have my wings wet for too long. Ariel nodded in agreement. We said our goodbyes and Hayley lead us back up to our ship. 

"Bye Hayley!" we all said in unison, after we had boarded the ship. She waved and dove back to the waters. 

"Ollie, set sail for the Isle of the Lost." said Gilly in a I am the leader here tone. 

"Ay yay, Captain Gilly." Ollie said playfully. I fluttered my wings to shake off the excess water. 

The ship rocked when it started up and we all were pushed back a little. 

Auriana muttered some words and everyone whirled around. We were all now dry as we were before we went down in the water. I smiled. Thank goodness I didn't have to it on my own. 

"Nice wings! I love them! What is it like flying in the sky?" asked Auriana excitedly. 

I put my arm over her. "I'll tell you everything." We went into the dining room and went deep into the conversation of magic. I think Auriana and I are going to besties. 

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