So she's a princess... (Jax P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

So, she's a princess. And a magical one too. That news stunned me like a lightning bolt.

While Ollie prepared his ship, I sat down to think. That was honestly a lot to take in. I mean, me being a prince isn't that bad because I am a gentleman. But Gilly being a princess? I couldn't even imagine it. 

Kayla sat next to me, staring at Gilly. 

"I just can't imagine her as a princess." she said, emphasizing on princess.

I nodded. I guess we had the same point of views. 

"A princess with princess friends, not the Gilly I always saw." I told her. 

She nodded too. 

"Crystal Instrumenta." A circle with a star in the middle appeared below Gilly's hand and it floated right above her crystal bracelet. A projection like the one earlier. She tapped her finger on it and 2 other girls appeared on the screen. 

"Gilly?" said the one with blue hair. 

"Oh my gosh, you look so pretty." said the other with orange hair. 


"And your hair! Did you do it yourself?" the orange one asked again. 


"Are those your friends?? Oh my gosh!!!" said the orange-haired girl again. 

"Auriana plea-"

"Auriana, let Gilly speak." said the one with blue hair. 

"Thank you, Talia." 

Talia nodded. 

"Its Praxina." said Gilly. The expressions of both of them faltered. 

"Praxina?" said Auriana. 

"She's kidnapped the teachers of the villain reform school." said Gilly. 

"But how did she get into your realm?" asked Talia. 

"I don't know." Gilly sighed.

"But I need you guys to come, if you can." said Gilly. 

"We'll be there in a few seconds." said Talia, and left. Auriana left and did the same. 

But Gilly seemed utterly confused. 

Maxine and Jocelyn had their mouths open wide. Kayla and I just stared at her. 

Circles similar to Gilly's appeared on the floor. Everyone's attention turned there. 2 girls, one with dark olive skin and brown hair, and the other with red hair and sun-kissed skin appeared on the circles. The red-head squeezed Gilly and squealed. Well, one thing is clear. That must be Auriana. 

"Calm down." said the other. And the other must be Talia. 

Ollie came in at the moment and his jaw dropped. 

"Guys, this is Talia and Auriana. Talia and Auriana, this is Maxine, Jocelyn, Kayla, Jax, and Ollie." said Gilly. 

Auriana started hugging everyone. 

"Nice to meet you." said Talia politely. Auriana pointed to me. 

"That one must be your boyfriend." she said and hugged Gilly again. 

"Uh, no." said, Gilly seeming a bit embarrased. Kayla nudged my arm with her elbow. Was I blushing?

"Auriana, stay focused." said Talia. She looked at Gilly. "what's going on?" she asked her.

"Well, basically, the teachers of this school were kidnapped by Praxina and the headmistress sent a letter to me-"

"all of us."corrected Jocelyn. 

"Right, and we came here. Then we split up and searched the perimeter and each of us found a piece of a crystal. Then we came here, battled knights, found another crystal, Praxina told us her plan, well, sort of. And I told them the whole princess thing and then we called you while Ollie prepared his ship and well, yeah."

"OK." said Talia, dragging Auriana away from touching Kayla's wings. 

"I got coordinates?" added Gilly hopefully to satisfy Talia.

"That's helpful." Gilly handed her the map and she scanned it and nodded. 

"A ship... why can't we just, oh, nevermind." 

"Oooh, I remember when we went on that boat, with the monster. Good times." said Auriana. That doesn't sound so fun.....

"I think we should get going." said Talia. 

"Why?" asked Kayla. 

"Because we're on a time limit."

"WHAT?" everyone said at the same time. 

"Yeah, 6 days. We have only till then." 

"How do you-?" Talia pointed at the map to answer Jocelyn's question, where a timer was set and counting down. 

"Wait, but I have to tell Alfonso, and tell Father and Mother. And-" 

"Who's Alfonso?" I interrupted. 

"My manager." she replied stubbornly. 

"Well, call them!" exclaimed Talia. 

Gilly took out her phone and went to the far corner. She came back after a few minutes. 

"All clear. And Father says that he has a few weapons in the attic. Who's coming with me to pick them up?" she asked.

Everyone stayed silent. 

Gilly groaned. "Fine." and she teleported herself away. In another few minutes, she was back. With a pile of glowing swords, and shields.

"Pick one." everyone raced for something. I grabbed one of the glowing swords. Ollie had grabbed one too and we clinked ours together. 

"So, the ship?" Talia asked Ollie. 

"Right," he said, and led us outside. His ship was docked at the bay next to the school. It was huge. 

"Where did you get that?" I asked him.

"Stole it from a group of pirates from the Isle. Their Captain Uma got so mad." he said, grinning at the sight of his ship.

"Ollie, you know we're going to be going to the Isle? And that Uma is Madame Cleo's daughter?" Gilly told Ollie. Ollie's face turned red. 

"Oh no." 

"And I'm related to her, and she hates me?" 

"Thats even worse." Ollie muttered. 

"Easy for you to say." she replied. "We'll just have to stay out of sight. Though Harry will probably find us." she said. 

"Who's Harry?" I asked.

"Captain Hook's son. Uma's first-mate. And another one of my Isle enemies." she said like it was nothing. I nodded. 

"You know, let's end this conversation about enemies and go face them." said Jocelyn. 

Everyone agreed. 

"Girls, there is going to be a lot of transforming today." Gilly said to the princesses.

"That's guaranteed." said Talia. 

"I can't even imagine." Auriana.

"AURIANA." Gilly and Talia said at the same time. 

I looked at Gilly again, and I saw someone different, not the same old Gilly from a few years ago. 

Yet her fire was drawing me in. The question was, would I get burned?

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