Could you have picked nobody else? (Gilly P.O.V)

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⊱ ────── {.⋅ 𝔼𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕕 ⋅.} ────── ⊰

After reviewing the plan once again, we took off. 

We sneaked through quiet halls and spider-infested (oh spiders *shudders*) corridors. 

"-YOU HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT!" a shrill voice screeched. 

"I'm trying my best." Another male voice said. A voice too familiar. 

My blood pounded in my ears and my pulse quickened at the man's voice. Could it be...?

"Well you don't LOOK LIKE IT!" The shrill voice said again.

By now, everyone had figured that it was Praxina. 

"Well I'm sorry," the other voice said sarcastically. "You really think they're going to even come?" it asked. 

"Well, obviously. The pink one seemed really eager to get the teachers back." Praxina said. 

"Fine then." the other voice said. 

I turned back to my friends. Using my fingers, I signaled them to surround Praxina and the other person. Talia lead Jax and Kayla to the left and Auriana with Jocelyn and Ollie to the right. Once everyone was in position I counted down with my fingers. 

Everyone pounced out from the darkness and I wished I hadn't. 

It was him. 

The one who had betrayed me so many times.

The one that saved me last minute. 

The one that was so hard to read. 

"Lev?" I asked, my voice weak. 

He held his head low, looking only at the floor. 

"And here we are again. You thought you could trust him Princess? Please! He rises with the darkness and falls with it too." Praxina sneered. 

Jax looked between us.

"Mind explaining?" he asked. His voice was full of hurt and guilt. 

"Lex was on Graymorr's side during the Great War." I said slowly, "He had betrayed me a bunch of times but saved me at the same time." I said, my eyes on Lev the entire time. 

"Why?" I asked, my voice breaking. 

"Like Praxina said, I rise with the darkness...." he looked up at me sadly, "and fall with it too." 

Tears threatened to fall but I held back. 

"Okay then." I choked on my own words. "Then I hope to be the cause of your fall." I said defiantly. 

Lev looked up in horror the moment I striked. 


Shards of pink crystal shooted from my hand, aiming at Lev. Lev shouted a protection spell, blocking my attack. 

𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊'𝖘 𝕬 𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 | 𝐅𝐓𝐑𝐒 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now