Out of Time 3 (Bucky)

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It had been a few weeks since you have woken up in 2024. You had found out that Kate had a job in a museum as an assistant to the curator. You had no idea what that even pertained. Luckily the employer had been kind to your predicament and had moved you to greeting guests. You were thankful that they didn't just fire you or put you on leave. You didn't know how you would have afforded to live without that income. You were also thankful for a place to go, you would see people, your coworkers were friendly and kind. You hoped they were so because Kate had been kind to them. They were teaching you about life in 2024, about technology that would had just been a twinkle in Howard Stark's eye.

You had been seeing the doctor weekly and while all of your bruising had healed, the doctor didn't see any progress on your brain. Some days you wished that you would just turn back into Kate but not a single memory of hers ever came into your head. You were alone in a different world. Not too different you guessed, it seemed that bigotry and hate still hadn't died. Your heart ached for all that the world had been fighting for, what Bucky had been fighting against when he died, that it hadn't been abolished. Some people were just as horrific as ever.

You were walking home from work and just about to reach your building when a man called out to you. "Hey," he yelled in a friendly tone. You recognized him as someone who had frequented the museum since you began working the front desk.

"Hi?" you questioned. He was a very plain looking man, green eyes, brown hair, nothing really special to write home about.

"Kate, can we talk?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't really know you. I am not sure why you would want to talk to me." You were starting to feel uncomfortable, something seemed off. The man took a step towards you while swinging out and grabbing one of your arms. You kept stepping back until you felt your back hit the cold rough brick of the alleyway next to your building. You moaned.

"See you are always lying to me, you like it rough." the man laughed at you. Your eyes went wide with fear, your heart was racing, your breathing quickened. "See Kate I don't buy your act. Oh, poor little Kate she doesn't remember anything, boohoo." he condescended. "You are just trying to run away from me, but it's not going to work Kate. I know you are just a lying bitch."

You had no choice, you had no idea what was going on, or who this man was, but apparently he and Kate had a prior history. Your mind went back to those bruises, the scars on your arms, "oh god" you thought. This is the person who did those things. You quickly remembered back to when you were a teenager, friends with Bucky and Steve. Steve couldn't fight to save his life back then, but that didn't stop him and Bucky from trying to teach you how.

You slammed your knee up into his crotch, there was no fighting dirty when your life could be in danger. Just as your knee made contact you pushed the man with all your might, making sure to stomp on his foot as you ran. You were lucky, one street was closed off to traffic so you could run across with ease, the next streets walk symbol was on as you ran as fast as you could towards the nearest park. It was still very much daylight, there should be enough people in the park and you hoped that man wouldn't be interested in having any witnesses.

You turned onto the pathway into the lush park. It was strange seeing the rich green grass, the trees just starting to change their colors. You turned your head to see if that man was following you when you slammed into something rock hard and you were knocked roughly onto your rear.

"Oh, I am so sorry," you began to say as you looked up at whatever or whoever you ran into. There standing in the path was a muscular man in black slacks and a black leather jacket. He wore gloves on his hands, though it really wasn't cold enough for that. As you looked up into his face your jaw dropped, you were stunned. Those blue eyes, that black hair, the chiseled chin. You knew these features. "Bucky?" you whispered.

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