On the Nest (Bucky)

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You turned in bed to look into the deep blue eyes of your smiling husband. Despite how long it had been you couldn't believe he was yours. Before you met him you didn't know you could ever love this deeply. You leaned in for a deep passionate kiss, sighing at you pulled away, laying your head on his shoulder as you're eyes fluttered closed. "Goodnight sweetheart" Bucky whispered.


Bucky had just been on a tough mission, he was battered, bruised and exhausted, but all he could think about was getting home to you. He breathed a sigh of relief as he walked up and saw the door to your shared suite at the avengers complex. He walked through the front door, happy to see you sitting in a plush chair reading a book. You stood up to greet him as he closed the door. Usually after a mission he would come home and go over everything with you. It helped him process and cope with the things he saw. Every time he went on a mission your anxiety would spike, you never knew if he was coming home and that scared the shit out of you.

"How did it go?" you asked. Bucky didn't answer, he just stared at you. He couldn't get any words out, yes this one had been bad but he didn't realize that it would affect functions like talking. He watched as your smiled faded just a little. "Come sit, I'll make you a drink maybe that will help?"

Before you had turned away Bucky's left hand went up to caress the side of your neck, he felt you shiver from the coolness of the metal arm. Before either of you knew what he was doing his left hand wrapped around your neck.

"No" Bucky screamed. But nothing came out, he was watching this all happen from the back of his brain, like he was standing far back looking out a window, but the window was his own eyes. He panicked, but could not regain control of his faculties.

"Buck stop." you breathed out at him. He watched as the love in your eyes turned to fear. You fearing him almost broke his heart as much as what he was doing to you. His hand squeezed harder, unrelenting, he watched as your own clawed at it, trying to pry it off, but you both knew it was useless. "Buck..." was all you got out before your protestations turned to strained gurgles. He watched as the light went out of your eyes before throwing your body down like a doll a little brother stole from his sister.

Bucky jolted up in bed, gasping, he was covered in a cold sweat. A dream, he thought, it was only a dream. Thank god. He sat there a few moments. Usually when he had nightmares a few moments later he would hear your sweet voice trying to help him, his jolting usually waking you up, but no voice came. He thought you must have been exhausted and looked over at your side of the bed, but you weren't there. You must not have been able to sleep he thought.

Bucky got out of bed and walked through the door to the living room area. It was pitch black, he flipped on a light but you weren't there. He walked over the the small galley kitchen off to the side, but again, no one was there. He didn't see any notes that maybe you had went for a walk, or maybe to one of the girls rooms. Panic started to rise in his chest, he walked back into the bedroom looking for his cellphone hoping that maybe you texted him, but he saw both your phones lying on the side table.

He turned again, finally noticing a dim light emanating from underneath the bathroom door. Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. "Y/N" he whispered through the door, but you didn't answer. "Y/n?" he said a little louder as he slowly opened the door.

His heart dropped as he took in the scene. There you were lying on the floor, a small pool of blood forming under your head. Bucky stared at you with disbelief, his thoughts racing, he was terrified that you were gone, and the possibility that he could have done this to you. Bucky sighed as he noticed your chest slowly rising. You were still alive, oh thank god you were still alive. "Help!" he yelled.

Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now