Rescue (Bucky)

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It was a mission like any other, it had been a long time coming but Bucky had finally been accepted into the Avengers. He and a few of the others had infiltrated an old Hydra base that wasn't as inactive as they thought it was. He had been told they were there for Intel, but when he opened the last door, there you were.

You were barely clothed, wearing nothing but a short hospital gown, you had wrapped yourself in a thin blanket to try and stave off the cold and your embarrassment. You were dangerously skinny, almost a skeleton, you probably didn't have much time left. You shrunk back against the wall, you had been through many tortures in your time at the Hydra base, physical, mental, sexual... You had heard of the Winter Soldier, you knew who had just walked through that door. What you didn't know was that he was a good guy now, he had been for some time.

Bucky walked over to you, your shaking body ripping through him, he knew all to well what you had gone through while under Hydra's watch. You closed your eyes, waiting for the moment where everything would go black for good. You didn't see any reason why they would send the Winter Soldier for you unless you were soon to be dead.

He picked you up gently, one arm under your knees the other just under your shoulders. "It's ok, you're safe now, they aren't going to hurt you anymore." he whispered.

You were shocked, your eyes snapped open, he could see the fear and confusion in them. Hoarsely you croaked, "Don't lie to me, you're here to kill me. Why else would the Winter Soldier be here?" your voice got braver, it didn't matter anymore, playing by their rules, you'd be dead anyway.

"Sweetheart, I'm not on their side anymore." Bucky cooed trying to reassure you. "Now lets get you out of here."

Your eyes welled up with tears, if he was telling the truth maybe this would be over and if he wasn't, well it would be over too. You heard him say something through a communicator that you couldn't make out. It was all too much, the torture, the severe lack of nutrition, the prospect of being rescued, your eyes fluttered shut, your head rolled back, limp in his arms. "Shit" Bucky said as he ran out, running through the maze of the complex using all he had to get back to the jet.


A few weeks ago you had woken up in a medical room of the Avengers tower, the last thing you knew before that was the Winter Soldier coming for you. He had come to visit you once while you were still in that hospital bed, wanting to make sure you were OK and that you knew you were safe now. You had left the tower now to move into your own apartment that Tony Stark had helped you find. Before you had been captured you had been an Archivist, Librarian, Information specialist, whatever you wanted to call it. That's one of the reasons Hydra had taken you... but your power was another one. 

You had been going to the Avengers tower twice a week to meet with the psychologist on site, you needed a lot of help working over what Hydra had done to you. You kept running into the Winter Soldier, or as you now knew him, Bucky Barnes either upon your arrival or your exit from your appointments.


Bucky had learned your appointment schedule through a little prying through the Avengers computer system, Natasha had helped him. At first he told himself it was because he felt responsible for making sure you were OK since he was the one that found you. Over time he realized it was something more, he watched as you got stronger, got up to a normal weight, how beautiful you are. He became enamored with you. He made sure that every time you were coming or going he would just happen to be coming back from a run or going out for an errand so he could speak with you for a moment.

"Why don't you just ask her out?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about." he stated. He was still in denial of how he felt, but also in denial that anyone would even want to go out with him.

One day though, you weren't there, he thought it a fluke, maybe you were running late, maybe you had gotten there early? But this happened for a few weeks straight, you weren't there anymore. Bucky got Natasha's help again to peruse the computer system again, but you weren't in the calendar anymore. He felt a pit in his stomach.

"I used to run into y/n in the lobby every once in a while but I haven't seen her in a few weeks, anyone else seen her or know where she is?" Bucky asked trying to play like he was simply curious.

Tony rolled his eyes, everyone at the table knew what Bucky had been really doing. "She was discharged, the psychologist said she made good progress that they referred her out to someone else to take over from there."

Bucky gulped, "Do you know where?" he gave himself away, he couldn't hide it any longer.

"No, unfortunately, that's a breach, even for me." Tony stated snarkily.


Months went by without Bucky being able to find even a hint to your whereabouts, he didn't really have anything to go off of, other than your name or at least the one you gave. He was close to giving up when he saw you, in the most unexpected of places.

There you were walking down the hall side by side with Tony Stark. You were wearing a pencil skirt and a button down white blouse. You followed Tony as he walked straight up to Bucky. "Bucky, I'd like you to meet our new Information Specialist, Y/N Y/LN." You put our your hand to shake his own, not even noticing that you had chosen  his metal arm.

Bucky smiled down at you with a glimmer in his eye. "It's nice to see you again sweetheart." He said while shaking your hand, you smiled back up at him a faint blush across your cheeks.

Bucky didn't know if Tony had hired you just for him, but he did know he wasn't going to let you go again.

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