Artifact (Steve)

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Warning, there is a smut scene kind of early in this story. Honestly the whole story started out as just a quick smut scene but I was inspired.

I also have no idea where this fits in the time line so I guess lets just pretend we're variants, lol.


Things weren't good with the Avengers. It had recently been announced that artifacts from Africa were supposed to be repatriated. Wakanda itself was overseeing the transfer, but not until after the government had top scientists review the artifacts. Scientists such at Bruce Banner and Tony Stark. Why? You ask, would these types of scientists be reviewing the transfer and not archaeologists and historians? Well the government knew about the vibranium of Wakanda, and they wanted to make sure they didn't "accidentally" repatriate something useful to them.

It sickened you. You had been interested in archaeology, even had a Bachelors degree in it, although you had, unfortunately, never used the degree. You worked for the avengers, mostly paperwork after their missions. Someone had to do the boring stuff, which I guess you could say  you were creating an archive of the avengers work for future generations. At least that is what you told yourself on those boring days.

Tony had gone a little crazy, paranoid after he began his review. One artifact in particular was incredibly important to him, he believed it was more than just vibranium. He believed it had powers, powers that he wanted to test, and you felt, exploit, before they gave it back, if they ever gave it back. You knew how these things worked, they would find some loop hole to keep it. Just like how they started making weapons with the tesseract.

Luckily for you, someone had hidden it out of sight knowing Tony's interest. Unluckily for you, Tony had trapped the avengers in a complex and wouldn't let them leave. It was like the Truman Show. A huge warehouse, but there was grass and trees, it looked like a town. There was a small two bedroom house on a bit of "land", further away from the others. It had a bit of privacy, and you knew that was the place to look.

Your anxiety was through the roof, you licked your lips as you were about to sneak through the front door, but you were stopped by Tony. "Y/N? What are you doing?"

"I'm just making some rounds, checking in on everyone. I haven't seen anyone in a long time" you smiled. Tony nodded at you and walked away, he trusted you, you didn't know why but he trusted you. Or maybe he trusted you could find it and would ambush you as you left, but you tried to push these thoughts away. You entered the small home, if the artifact was anywhere, you thought, this was the first place to look. This wouldn't have been the first time Steve had defied Tony's interests. You knew this was something he watched the Nazi's do, amass other peoples belongings, he wouldn't think it's right to keep it.

You cracked open one of the bedroom doors, Steve lay there sleeping on the bed. You smiled at him, remembering good times you had in the past. You closed the door gently before going in the second bedroom. You left the door open, striding towards a long low dresser on the opposite corner. You looked in a small trinket box on the dresser, it only had cuff-links in it, you glanced at the framed photo of Steve and Bucky. You had always hoped you would meet Steve's best friend, but you didn't know if that would ever come to pass. Next you opened a drawer, slowly and silently flipping through a pile of thin shirts.

"Y/N?" you heard from the open door way. Your breath hitched in your throat. That was not the voice you were used to hearing. That was the voice of Captain America, not Steve Rogers. You turned around to look Steve in the face. "What are you working for him now?" Steve said sternly.

"Tony trusts me," you hesitated, hoping that Steve could read between the lines, "Steve, I have a chance." You walked towards him, when you were close you lifted your right hand to touch his cheek. He grabbed your wrist before you could reach him holding it in place, you gasped as his right arm wrapped around your waist as he pulled your body flush to his own, kissing you roughly.

Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now