Ceremony (Bucky) Sequel to Banquet

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Bucky walked through the door to his suite at the avengers campus to find you sitting limply in a chair staring blankly at the wall. He knew that look, he had seen it on himself many times. He had seen you zone out before, but he had never seen you look so low. "Y/N?" he asked kneeling down in front of you. He took your hand in his own, cocking his head slightly to intercept your stare. "Sweetheart what's wrong?" It was about two weeks before the wedding, you had both been the happiest you had ever been.

Your eyes shone with tears that wouldn't quite fall. "They're not coming..." you trailed off. Bucky squeezed your hand reassuring you to keep going. "My family isn't coming." Bucky took a deep breath, shock running through him. "My mom doesn't approve, all she knows is from the news and she convinced... no... threatened the rest of the family not to come."

Bucky could see the pain in your eyes, his heart constricted, he loved you, more than anything. More than he thought he could ever feel anything again after what had been done to him. He felt guilty, he needed you, but how much will you have to lose because you loved him.

Bucky pulled you onto the floor with him, wrapping his arms around you. You embraced, rocking gently back and forth, he rubbed your back in soothing circles. He didn't know what to say, he felt like he was ruining your life. He tenderly kissed you on the temple, "I'm sorry." he whispered.

You sighed. "It's not your fault. They never even gave us a chance." you whispered back, trying to reassure Bucky, you shot him a sad smile. You stood up, pulling Bucky towards bed. "I'm exhausted." You both laid down, wrapped in each others arms, you laid your head on his chest and fell deeply asleep. You felt safer and happier than you had all day now that you were back in each others arms. You knew that your family was wrong, that this was the best thing that had ever happened to you.

The next morning you both knew you had to part once more. Today was Bucky's bachelor party, he didn't want anything big, so he and Steve planned to do a tour of their old neighborhood and reminisce about how far they had come. It was a nice day, calm, which is just what he needed. Bucky felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and decided it wouldn't be too bad to sneak a look at the message. His heart shattered as he stared at the screen, his whole world fell apart as he read the message from you. "I'm sorry Bucky, I need time to think" was all it said.


Bucky stood outside the door to your apartment. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding, he hadn't felt this anxious, this upset, in a long, long time. He knocked three times and waited about 20 seconds. When he didn't hear anything on the other side of the door, he knocked louder. "Y/N?" he asked quietly. Another 30 seconds passed and the door still hadn't budged. He began knocking incessantly "Y/N?" he yelled, his voice betraying his panic.

Abruptly the door swung open in front of him. There you stood, staring back into his eyes, your own wide. You both looked terrible. Bucky looked like he hadn't slept since you left, and honestly he really hadn't. At that moment he already knew something was wrong. "Bucky?" you asked, your voice breathless, surprised and rough as if you hadn't spoken in a long time. Everything within you cried out, your heart constricted, it took everything you had to keep from crying.

Bucky took in your breathing, your chest was heaving more than it should have been. You had stepped back into the apartment and he took two steps in, appraising the surroundings but didn't see anything out of place, that was except you.

"Y/N... sweetheart, are you OK?" he asked, trying not to give away that he knew something wasn't right.

"I'm fine Buck." you stated blankly, looking anywhere but at him.

"Y/N?" Bucky cooed, he reached out to push some hair behind your ear but you pulled your head away. "I know you sent that text message, but Y/N, please, the wedding is tomorrow."

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