Runaways (Bucky)

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You hadn't been there long, it had only been a few weeks really since they had rescued you. No one gave you any reason to believe they didn't like you, but all the same you didn't feel like you belonged. In the distance was the dining area, you walked towards the table where Wanda sat with a man you had not yet become acquainted with.

As you approached Wanda stood up to greet you warmly but it didn't feel right. It rubbed you in the exact opposite way of friendly. The man stood up and said "Hey babe." Ugh you thought, this was not it.

"Sorry I'm not staying." you said as friendly as you could but you knew it came out strained. There was a slight change behind Wanda's eyes but she just nodded her head with a small smile and sat back down. You walked further, the next table had Sam and a few other men that you had only met once sitting at it. No, I definitely don't want to sit there, you thought, as you strolled past. You could see Sam look at you as you walked by but he didn't attempt to stop you.

You walked straight up the stairs at the end of the dining hall. This world was so different, you didn't know why but you just felt bad. Like you hated everything, you didn't belong here with these people. But you didn't belong anywhere and you have never been happy in your life.

Upstairs was a small museum area of Avengers history, old Iron Man suits, bits and pieces of Black Widow's and the old Captain America's gear. Each one of them was gone now, it was a little memorial to them you guessed. You slowed down to examine the plaques underneath. You wondered what they were like, would they have made you feel the same way or was the strain you felt here because of their absence. This was a civilian area and people shuffled around looking at each exhibit, it wasn't long before you felt trapped in the sea of people, except it wasn't a sea, it was only a few but that was a few too many, you had to get out of there. Luckily your room wasn't too far away.

You sighed as you closed the door behind you. I can't stay, you thought. You lined up the few belongs you had on your bed, a journal, a necklace that you didn't remember the origin of but believed it was likely your mothers, a picture of a black cat that you only have glimpses of in your mind but for some reason calmed you. A swiss army knife, and a couple of outfits, all enough to fit in a backpack. That was it, everything you had ever owned sitting in front of you. You wondered what it was like to have a whole house full of belongings. Do people actually appreciate every item? You stared at the items a moment taking a deep breath before stuffing the first outfit into your bag.

A knock at the door startled you. Shit you thought, opening the door just a crack so you could see who it was. "Bucky?" you questioned letting the door fall open just a little bit more. Out of all the people around this complex Bucky had made you feel most at ease, likely because he didn't try to be overly friendly, he was just himself. You got the vibe the others were trying too hard to make you feel welcome it all felt fake.

He glanced around you, "Going somewhere?" he mused, he didn't sound surprised or judgemental.

You stared back at him, not quite knowing if you should admit to it or lie through your teeth. "I can't stay here," you decided honesty was the best defense but you didn't recognize the little bit of pain that came with your voice.

He looked back at you, you could behind his eyes that he understood. "Can you wait five minutes?"


"Just five, don't worry I'm not trying to talk you out of this." He gazed into your eyes imploringly.

"Five minutes," you said shaking your head as you closed the door in his face. What was that man up to. You decided to wait the five minutes packing your bag, although it really only took one. You sat there staring at the minute hand on the watch they had had so nicely gifted you. There were 30 seconds left, before you left the watch on your desk, you had suspected there was a tracker in it, and ran away for good.

Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now