Kidnapped (Bucky Platonic)

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There was something about the man who kept being ushered past your cell, he seemed so familiar, like someone you knew as a child. "Bucky?" you don't know why you said it, it just came out of your mouth, you hadn't seen him since you were a child. This man was missing an arm, there was no possible way it could be him.

The man turned to look at you, he stared at you a moment before asking "Y/N?" You had no idea how he could recognize you.

You gasped, partially because he knew you, partially because one of the guards brought a club down on his head.  He fell to one knee. Your heart clenched, you knew the pain and torture this place caused, you had lived with it for years. You didn't want to be the cause of anyone else's pain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," you pleaded with the guards, "it's my fault, don't hurt him." The guard looked at you, unlocking the door to your cell before shoving you into the wall and slapping your face hard. You looked back at him, rasping for air as you tried to hold back tears. You had been here so long  you were used to the pain, but seeing someone from your past, seeing them endure the pain, that was something else. The guard turned and re-locked the door to your cell, departing down the hall with Bucky in tow.


Bucky was shocked, he hadn't seen you since you were children. He had no idea you were even alive. He never forgot the day you were taken. He and Steve were around eight years old, you were the annoying six year old neighbor girl who always tagged along on their adventures. You were just leaving a movie theater with them. "That was scary," you whined.

Little Bucky turned to you sneering, "We told you it would be." He turned back to Steve strolling as far ahead of you as he could get. But all of the sudden there was a little girls scream, Bucky turned back to see you struggling in a mans arms. He was carrying you away. Bucky and Steve ran towards you and the strange man but he was too quick they lost sight of you in the crowded street. No one ever saw you again.


It had been weeks, they would still walk by your cell almost daily but you didn't dare speak a word. That was until they came to you. A man came to your cell, he was wearing a uniform you barely recognized. You knew this meant he was higher up than the lowlifes that you were usually around. "We need you to talk to him." You just stared at the man in front of you, you had no idea what he was talking about. "The man you called Bucky."

"What could I do?" you blurted out. You instantly regretted that decision, you turned your head away bracing yourself to be struck, but it didn't come. "He didn't even like me when we knew each other," you whispered.

"Just try, that is all we ask. He's killed men who were trying to help him after surgery. We need any help we can get." You nodded your head, yes.

Moments later you were walking into a room, there at the table sat Bucky, completely chained down to a chair. You sighed before walking over to sit in front of him. You stared at him for a moment not knowing what to say. The one thing you knew is that you weren't going to mince words, if they didn't like what you said they could drag you out of the room.

"I must be hallucinating again," Bucky mumbled under his breath.

"Bucky..." you hesitated.

"Just like when I hallucinated Steve saved me. But that was real, wasn't it, there were weeks, maybe months with him before I ended up here." He mumbled to himself more. Bucky looked so torn, it broke your heart.

"Bucky," you said a little louder, his eyes snapped towards your face. "I'm real," you grabbed his hand so he could feel you. "Feel that? This is real, I'm here." He stared at your hands a moment before you let go leaning back into your chair. 

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