Out of Time 2 (Bucky)

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You stared down at the picture staring back at you. This time you knew it, you must be dreaming, this was all a dream within a dream, you thought. You pinched yourself, but nothing happened. "I'll go back to sleep" you said out loud to no one, believing that it would trick your mind to wake up and when you did you would be back in 1944.

You climb back into the low bed and pulled the purple blanket over you. You close your eyes and try desperately to fall asleep. After, what was likely hours of lying there, finally your eyes drift close. You dream of Bucky, his smiling face, he is just about to tell you something when you jolt awake. You wake in the same gray room with the purple curtains.

Shocked, you were sure that going back to sleep would stop all of this nonsense. Nothing in this apartment reminded you of home, nothing looked familiar. You decided there was only one thing that must be true, you had went insane. You hoped that the hospital hadn't moved as you closed the door to the small apartment, walking back out onto the sidewalk towards where you believed the hospital would be.

Luckily for you, it was one of the few things that was in the same place you had left it. The door automatically slid open for you as you walked towards it. Entering you noticed a large desk with a woman sitting behind it. She looked sweet, blond with blue eyes, she wore a simple shirt with drawings of dogs on it. It didn't look anything like you remembered nurses wearing.

You walked up to the desk and asked, "Excuse me ma'am. I am not sure who I need to see or where I need to go. But I believe I am losing or have lost my mind, or at least my memories. I don't remember how I got to 2024." 

The woman behind the desk smiled softly back, she likely sees everything and anything in her job at the front desk. She picked up the phone to notify someone of your arrival, she wanted to make sure that you stayed in the hospital, it is dangerous on the streets for someone who doesn't know who they are. "May I take a look at your purse?" she asked motioning to the bag in your hand, "So I can try to get some base information on who you are?"

You nodded handing the purse over to her. She pulled out the ID and medical coverage card. You wondered if going crazy is covered by medical insurance. "It says here  your name is Kate Smith."

"That's the thing, I remember my name being Y/N/L/N," you frowned back at her, trying to hold back tears. The nurse behind the desk continues talking to you until another one comes to take you to an examining room.

"Hi, Kate." this new nurse said cheerfully, her outfit was bright pink.

You furrowed your brow at her, "Do I know you?"

"Kate..." she hesitated. "We have seen you before yes.. Kayleigh says you don't remember who you are? Can you tell me about that... everything you remember." She touched your hand comfortingly.

"I remember being Y/N/L/N and it being 1944, and my friend went off to war and I just found out that he went missing in action. I went to bed crying myself to sleep and then I woke up 80 years later in a different body."

The doctor and the nurse gave each other a knowing look. "Is it ok if I examine you, look for signs of trauma? I will have to look under your clothing." The doctor asked politely.

The nurse smiled back at your reassuringly. "Ok." you whispered. The doctor began by shining a bright light in your eyes before moving on to your nose, ears and throat. She then lightly tapped areas of your head. "Ow." you winced as she hit a sore spot right above your left ear.

She looked at your arms, you saw scarring across them. "These have healed nicely since the last time you were in." she commented. You stared at the scars dumbfounded, where and how did you get them? The doctor looked at your belly and  then thighs, angry purple bruises lined the inside of your thighs close to your abdomen. You didn't know how you missed them when you had changed your clothing before, you must have been so lost in where, and when you were that you missed the damage to your body, the bruises, the scars.

"Do you remember seeing a man around at all, in your apartment or around it?" the doctor asked. 

"No." you shook your head.

"We will keep you overnight for observation, and then I want to see you weekly." The doctor stated while walking out the door.

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