Closing the Space (Steve)

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You had met, Steve, Captain America, Rogers one day while he was reminiscing about his life before the serum. There he was, this massive strapping man, just standing in an alley, idly staring up at the apartment building in front of him, he seemed to be in a daze. You were getting ready to leave to go run some errands and spotted him from the window out to the porches, for lack of a better term, on the back of your apartment building.

At first you were nervous, usually when men are in alleys they are up to no good. You could go out the front door, but you were avoiding your landlord who was waiting for the rest of the rent check. You gulped, I'll get my laundry off the balcony, you thought, at least then I can run back in and lock the door if he tries anything. Though you weren't even sure if a door could stop a man that big.

You took your basket and walked out the back door, keeping a side eye on the man while slowly undoing the clothespins from the first dress. You were eclectic with your clothing, the dress you were taking down now was an old fashion maroon calico dress. For a moment you thought about how you could never seem to put together an outfit quite to perfection and you lost sight of the man.

You heard a deep voice behind you, not too close, but you could tell he was on the same level of the porch with you. "Excuse me Miss, I don't meant to bother you, but I used to live here." You stopped dead, you slowly put the dress in the basket while turning around, you just stared at the man, not knowing if you should run, fight, or just maybe talk to him.

You tried to use the sweetest voice you could muster, hoping that he wasn't here with ulterior motives. "I'm sorry, are you looking for something or someone?"

He mustered a smile that you could tell wasn't from the heart and as he leaned up against the brick wall next to an apartment two doors down from your own. "It's been a very long time since I've been here," he sighed, "a very long time." Neither of your spoke for a moment, "Do you want any help with that, I don't see many people putting their laundry out to dry anymore."

"No thank you, I can handle it." you paused, "I don't really have much money, so hanging my clothes out is all I got." you didn't know why you were telling a stranger this. He nodded his head as if he knew what being strapped for cash was like.

You finished taking down your laundry while he stayed leaning up against the wall zoning out, not saying a word. You went to pick up your basket, when the handle snapped, you stumbled forward slightly before feeling a warm arm around your shoulder stopping you from falling on your face, his other hand had caught the other side of your basket. Once you were stable he stepped away, you put the basket back down on the wooden slats of the porch.

"I guess I should introduce myself," he chuckled, blue eyes staring into your own. "I'm Steve Rogers, it's nice to meet you." He held out his hand for you to shake.

You took his hand gently and shook it, the name sounded familiar to you but you didn't know why. Suddenly it dawned on you, Captain America. You had never been one for celebrity  or making big deals out of people who were, after all they were still just humans. You smiled back at him. "Y/N Y/LN" you said briskly, "It's nice to meet you Steve." He smiled back, he didn't know if you weren't aware of his story, or if you were just being nice, but he appreciated, for once, not being Captain America.


It had been about two years since that day, you had become fast friends, you had also become friends with his, Natasha, Sam and Bucky. You had fallen for Steve but you kept it secret as you knew he didn't feel the same way. There had been Sharon, and you had had your own mistakes, but both of you were single now. Still you didn't dare say a word to him, he was always surrounded by amazing people and you were just a secretary.

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