Break (Bucky)

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This is probably going to be a short one. I haven't really had any Steve ideas, so if you're looking for those I am sorry!


Bucky had moved down south to be with Sam and his family. He was the only family Bucky had left, his family was gone, New York wasn't the same New York he had left all those years ago. It was time to move on. Only problem was, he moved on without you.

The last thing he said to you while packing up the few things he kept in your apartment, had broken your heart. He had turned to you, face grave, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. "Y/N I don't think we should see each other anymore."


It had been over a year since that day. Bucky never reached out to you, but you couldn't help yourself, you had reached out to him a few times. He was always polite and responded, but the conversations never lasted long. You knew you should stop, but you wanted to make sure he was OK, you wanted to at least be his friend.

You were excited, you had a business trip that was taking you to Louisiana, and that meant you were going to see Bucky. You couldn't believe he actually agreed to it. You had told him you were there for business, you wouldn't bother him, maybe just coffee or lunch. But when you got to Louisiana, every time you tried to see him, set up that coffee lunch, he would say he was busy, that something else was going on.

It was your last day in Louisiana and he still hadn't met with you. You really weren't asking for much, just a hello. You texted Sam, who had stayed your friend throughout this and let him know that Bucky had blown you off once more and you were supposed to leave today.

Sam knew that Bucky wasn't happy not seeing you but he had sworn to Bucky that he wouldn't say anything. However, Sam hadn't sworn to not to tell you where Bucky was.

Next thing you knew you were knocking on the door of a small whitewashed shotgun style home.  "Y/N?" Bucky said with surprise, Sam had not tipped him off that you were coming.

"I'm sorry to barge in like this. I.." you stuttered. "I'm supposed to be flying back to New York today. I just wanted to see you before I left. Wanted to make sure you were good down here." you smiled back.

"I'm fine." is all he said while turning his back to you, tinkering with something on a table at the back of the room.

"I was thinking I could stay an extra day, I could push my flight."

Bucky's tone scared you, he yelled angrily "I told you I don't think we should see each other." You could see how his shoulders had tensed, his right hand had curled into a fist.

You were taken aback, you didn't understand why he hated you, what had you done? You guessed maybe you really were being that kind of crazy girl. Your shoulders collapsed, defeated. "OK, goodbye Buck." you whispered. You turned around, slamming the door harder than you had intended, running as fast as you could to your rental car down the road.

You walked back towards your hotel room, thinking to yourself sadly. It was time, you thought, time to give up. You opened the door to your room, shocked to find a man standing in it. "Who are you?" you shrieked.

The man stood there frozen, he had been unpacking his bags. "This is my room." he said, confused.

"No this is my room." You wondered where your cat was, surely she would have tipped the man off that he was in the wrong room. However you were supposed to have already checked out, so maybe this was your fault.

"Oh god I'm in the wrong room." the man exclaimed as he ran around throwing his things back into his bag.

"Hurry." you hissed. "I have to pack up and get out of here myself."

You held the door open for the man as he ran past, silently whispering. "I'm sorry." Little did you know Bucky had just gotten out of the elevator and watched the man run past.

You ran around the hotel room throwing your things into your bag. You were surely going to miss your flight back home, you could call to change it to a later flight, and you likely should have, but you couldn't stand to be in Louisiana any longer. You propped the hotel room door open and pulled your luggage into the hallway. Putting down the empty cat carrier, you realized you still weren't sure where Maggie was.

Crouching down to open the carrier's door, you looked through the still open hotel room door and saw her crawling around underneath the bed. "Maggie, shh shh." you called and she ran into the cat carrier. A sigh of relief escaped your lips. You pulled out your phone, you were about to text Sam goodbye, that you were on your way to the airport when a familiar voice startled you.

"Who was that man?"

You took a deep breath, slowly standing up and turning on your heel to look at the man before you. "I don't know, he was in the wrong room." you smiled awkwardly.

Something changed across Bucky's face, but you couldn't really figure out what it was. Why did he even care who that man was, you thought. He never cared to know what was going on in your life. He hadn't even cared to spend 15 minutes with you on this trip.

"Y/n?" he hesitated. "Why did you bring Maggie."

You took a deep breath, you didn't want to admit it, but what did it matter, you were leaving for good, you would never see him again. You stared back at his blue eyes, your voice cracking. "I was hoping you would ask me to stay."

Bucky was dumbfounded, after all this time, after all he did to push you away, you still wanted to be with him. "But your job." was all he could get out, he couldn't find an argument that he didn't want you here.

"I can find a new job." you said matter of factly.  You turned around picking your purse off the floor, knowing if you didn't leave this second you would never make your flight.

"Y/n." Bucky said softly, sweetly. He grasped your arm, turning you back around slowly to look him in the eye.

"I'm going to miss my flight," you huffed back at him.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, as he leaned his head forward, his lips meeting your own in a passionate kiss. He pulled away looking into your shocked eyes. "I didn't want you getting hurt, so I ran. But it was me that ended up hurting you instead." He wrapped his arms around you, your head lying on his chest. "I love you, Y/N."

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