Out of Time 4 (Bucky)

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Today was finally the day, they day you met yourself. You didn't know how Bucky had done it, or how you were still alive, but at least maybe you could get some answers. Before you stood an imposing retirement home, gray and tall. It did not look like a very welcoming place for anyone.

Bucky stood by your side, with a quick squeeze to your shoulder he asked "Are you ready?" You simply nodded back at him.

Together you entered the lonely building, Bucky talked to the receptionist claiming to be a far away relative coming to see Y/N/L/N. You trembled thinking about seeing yourself again, how did your body age? You followed the nurse into the elevator, your nerves getting the better of you. Was this really what you should be doing, was this right?

The nurse knocked lightly on a yellow door in front of you, "Y/N, you have some visitors." she almost sang as she beckoned the both of you to enter. The nurse smiled back at you before leaving, closing the door behind you.

"It's about time!" the old you exclaimed. You could barely recognize her as you, the only thing that truly matched was the eyes, but you guessed that is how aging goes.

"Kate?" you timidly asked.

"Yes honey, it is very strange to see my old body! Come sit, I have something for you two. Your other friend had already visited me, however I knew we hadn't swapped yet so I pretended to only remember so much." she winked back at you. You sat down on the side of her bed, Bucky decided to lean up against the corner of the room watching the interaction. Her gnarled hands reaching for a book you knew well. It was a brown leather, embossed photo album, tied together with a string.

You opened the fragile pages smiling sadly, looking back at you were pictures of you, pictures of Bucky, pictures of the three of you together during a happier time. There were pictures of your parents, and even one of your cat. There had been some really good times before the war had ripped them all away.

You looked back at yourself, "I am so sorry this happened to you Kate. I don't know how to fix it and give you your life back."

She chuckled at your statement, "Sweetie, I lived a life. You have only been in this world for a month, but I have lived your life for 80 years. It was a happy life, a good life. Your family was sweet and I married, for love, a real love." She smiled back at you handing you another photo album. This was her own. You saw her on her wedding day, your parents giving her away. Your heart started feeling heavy knowing that your lost that opportunity in your own life. You looked at her husband, the man who had tried to hit on you the day you found out Bucky was gone. You saw, houses, cars, children, grandchildren. Tears began flowing down your cheeks because of everything you missed and would never have.

"Don't cry." Kate hushed.

You wiped at your eyes. "I am so sorry. I am just thinking of all the things I missed."

Kate squeezed your hand, "You'll still have them sweetie. There is a reason you are here. I don't know what it is, you'll have to figure that out." you glanced at Bucky, he was staring at the both of you intently. "But there has to be a reason. You saved my life."

You gasped at this revelation. "How?" you asked, your voice quivering.

"I was in an abusive relationship, one I kept trying to leave but not being able to get away from, no matter what I did. Waking up in a new body, years before. I was able to have a good life. I don't know if I would have survived, if he would have let me." her eyes shone with the memories.

"That man." Bucky mused from the corner. "The one that chased you into the park."

Kate glanced over to him "Brown hair, green eyes, not much to look at?"

You chuckled though tried to stifle it behind your hand. "Yes." you answered.

Kate turned to look at Bucky. "Don't you let that man ever come anywhere near her, you hear?"

Bucky nodded, not used to being ordered around by little old ladies. Being ordered around he was used to, but not by someone so sassy. "Yes ma'am."

Kate looked back into your eyes. "There is a reason we swapped souls. There has to be a reason that you have been sent to this time." Kate glanced at Bucky and winked. "Now this old lady needs her beauty nap. Please take your photos, they're more important to you than they are to me."

"Thank you Kate." you stated as you stood up from the bed. Bucky put his hand on your shoulder as you walked out the door, Kate stared back knowingly, she knew, or at least she believed she knew exactly why you were here.

You walked back to your apartment in silence, contemplating everything Kate had told you, clutching the photo album to your chest. When you reached your building you sit down on the stoop, Bucky sat down next to you.

"Any idea on why you could have been sent into this time." he asked thoughtfully.

You thought about it, you already knew the answer but you weren't sure you were willing to tell him yet. You sighed, staring down the street not wanting to look at Bucky, to really see him. You didn't want him to really see you.

"Y/n?" he asked, lowering himself one step so that he could look at you.

You took a deep breath, "I have an idea, but it's crazy and I am not sure if I am ready to admit it to myself."

"You can say it, nothing can be crazier than my life."

You steadied your breathing, it was now or never you thought. You were here for a reason and if he wasn't it you were completely lost. "I.." your voice cracked. "I think the reason I'm here is you." You turned your head to look into Bucky's blue eyes, the shock was palpable on his face.

You locked your gaze on Bucky's eyes, trying to siphon some courage out of them. "You see, I had something I had wanted to tell you but never got up the nerve. I promised myself that when you got back from the war I would tell you." You grabbed his flesh hand, holding it in your own, a sad smile crossing your face. "But when the news came out that you fell from that train, well I cried myself to sleep that night. And then I woke up here, just to run into you weeks later. That can't be a coincidence."

You didn't know it but Bucky's heart was beating fast, he was getting anxious, after all he went through, a girl from his past was making him anxious. Of course, you had always made him anxious, you just didn't know it. "Y/N what did you want to tell me? Back then?"

You let out your breath, not realizing you were holding it in this entire time. "I love you, Bucky." you blurted out as you squeezed his hand.

"What?" Bucky stammered, he had dreamed about this when he was a young man but he never thought he would hear the words. He didn't think you had even considered him in that way. He wracked his brain for an excuse, he didn't believe he deserved love anymore, not after everything that he had done. "Y/N, I'm not that same boy anymore." His face fell into a frown.

You gave him a sad smile. "I know that. I have no other explanation. But you are still you Bucky. I know you did bad things, but they weren't your choices. Everything you've done since we ran back into each other has been kind, even when you didn't know who I was. So you see, you are still that boy. No matter what has been done to you in between." You thought for a moment. You dropped his hand, stood up and walked up the steps to your door. "It's OK if you need to think. I'll still be here. Or maybe I won't," you laughed. "I did achieve my goal, maybe I'll wake back up in my old body tomorrow."

You turned to enter your apartment building, your hand on the door knob, you gently turned and pushed at the same time, you heard Bucky yell your name. "Y/N stop!" You turned to look as he rushed up the steps to you, his hand snaking around your back, resting at your waist. Bucky pulled you close to him as his other hand lightly held your cheek. His kiss was short, but electric, it took your breath away. He pulled away lightly resting his forehead on your own.

"I guess I better stick around," you laughed.

"You better," was all he responded before kissing you gently once more.

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