Banquet (Bucky)

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As a note: Imagine Tony is still alive and Steve never left...

Tomorrow was the day of the banquet. The one Tony was holding to introduce the new, full fledged members of the avengers. You had worked in the Avengers offices for years now, the job wasn't exciting, not like what they did. But you maintained data and monitored the news, anything you deemed interesting or unusual was sent to a higher up department for analysis. Many times Tony Stark would monitor those stories himself, much to the chagrin of the office above you.

Bucky had been living in the Avengers complex for close to two years, however it was only now that Tony was finally accepting him as one of their own. "You'll be there tomorrow?" He asked. You nodded. "It will be nice to see a friendly face, even if from a far." he teased you.

"Buck, all those faces should be friendly, you don't have anything to worry about."

A small smile reached his lips, before he kissed you one last time, winking as he slipped out the door. You fiddled with the key charm on your necklace. The one he had given you on your first birthday together, another had passed since then. You have been together for almost a year and a half, yet no one knew about it. At least you both hoped no one knew. Bucky wanted to keep it a secret so no one could use either of you against the other. He wanted to make sure you were as safe as possible. Working for the avengers alone had already put a target on your back, albeit a small one, but being the girlfriend of the ex Winter Soldier, that could be catastrophic for either of you. You sighed, missing him already, as you climbed into bed to get some sleep.


The banquet would start at 6, you knew there would be some high profile people in attendance. And some women who could spare no expenses to look good. You stared at the gown you had picked out wondering if it was enough. It was simple straight red satin gown, hitting between your knees and ankles. Bucky had assured you it was perfect when you had shown it to him, but you still had doubts. A friend of yours was coming to help you with your hair. You knew you just didn't have the hair skills for this important night. You wanted to surprise Bucky with a slightly vintage look, you had bought cosmetics that were reproductions of 40's colors. You really wanted to wow him tonight.

You took a deep breath as you walked into the grand banquet hall. You felt lonely. Of course you would see Bucky, but you wondered what it would be like if you had been able to walk into the room as a couple. You walked towards the bar, knowing you would need a drink to get through the night. "Riesling." you whispered making sure to pass the bartender a small tip. Yes you knew Tony paid them well, but it was still the right thing to do.

You turned, hoping to find one of the other office girls to talk to. None of them did your job exactly, but you had become friendly enough. Sometimes on a bad day it was nice to have some camaraderie.

You almost ran right into Steve, Captain America himself, and also Bucky's best friend. "Wow, Y/N, you look beautiful." Steve complimented you. You glanced over noticing Bucky beside him, his eyes were wide, you had definitely made an impression. Steve taking his silence for rudeness added "Doesn't she look beautiful Buck?" You and Bucky had acted uninterested in each other at best in front of Steve, and sometimes downright like you hated each other.

"Y/N always looks beautiful." Bucky quipped. This time you stared back at him shocked, eyes wide. What was he doing? Steve gave Bucky a confused glance before Sam came to save the day.

"Ow, ow Y/N, you're looking fine." You looked back at Sam and laughed, he was always joking around.

"Thanks Sam." you said as you gave him a hug.

Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now