Lost (Bucky)

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Bucky came through the door to your shared apartment, he had just went for a run to clear his mind. Things weren't perfect between the two of you lately and his heart ached in fear that you would give up on the relationship. It was just a fight really, couples get in fights, maybe he was being irrational.  "Y/N?" he called out tentatively. The apartment wasn't big, a living room, tiny galley kitchen off the to side and a bedroom with the smallest bathroom you had ever seen. He could see three of the rooms from the entrance, however the bedroom door was closed.

You had a habit of closing yourself into a bedroom when you were upset, usually you just wanted to be left alone. Bucky sighed, "Y/N?" he asked softly as he knocked on the door. But you still didn't answer. He knew you liked to be left alone but sometimes that backfired on him too. He swallowed hard knowing that you would either need a hug or would tell him to get out. Bucky turned the knob to the bedroom door pushing it open. He felt some resistance from the other side, which was unusual.

What he saw when he walked through the door made him freeze in terror. A side table next to the bed was tipped on it's side, the contents strewn haphazardly across the floor.  The mattress was half pulled off it's foundation the blankets thrown across the room. Shattered glass lay upon the floor under a window, a piece of fabric clung to a shard still embedded in it's frame. Bucky stopped breathing as he stared at the piece of fabric, a piece of the dress you had been wearing when he left.

He knew you could get angry sometimes, but this looked like a struggle. The window had been broken from outside the building, and if you had wanted to leave, you could have just went out the front door. Bucky pulled his phone out of his pocket and called the first person he could think of. "Sam, I need help. I think Y/N has been abducted."


Two days later Sam and Bucky were standing outside a tall inconspicuous brick building. Some rogue hydra agents had set up shop inside, many agents had fled, many went into hiding but had never come to any sort of justice and some had never given up on their mission. They would always be a threat, to the world, to mankind and to Bucky directly.

"You ready?" Sam asked tapping Bucky on the back lightly. Bucky just nodded. Sam snuck to the side door while Bucky peeked through a window, but the place looked empty. He signaled to Sam, who busted down the door, they both ran inside confirming what Bucky had just seen. There was no one inside.

"I guess we had bad intelligence." Bucky said downtrodden, he had really hoped that you were here.

"We should still investigate the building, maybe we will find some clues." Sam tried to encourage him, knowing how hard it would be on him if it was say, his sister or one of his nephews who was gone.  They scanned through the building together but it had been completely emptied. Just as they were about to leave Sam spied the only thing left besides furniture, a note on a desk. Handing it to Bucky all he could get out was "Sorry."

Bucky stared at the note in his hand, it read, "Sorry Winter Soldier, you just missed us."

This went on for a week, they would get information and they would "just miss them." On the one week mark, they left a picture, a picture of you. It made Bucky's blood boil and his mind overcome with worry. The picture was just of your face, your bruised face. The bruises were in an unusual pattern, one he knew all to well. On the back of the photo someone had inscribed, "better find us quick."

As Sam drove to their home base so they could start over again, all Bucky could do in the passengers seat was stare at the picture. "Don't worry we'll find her." Sam tried to reassure him.

"I don't know if she'll remember me when we do." Bucky whispered as his hand traced along the bruises on your face in the photograph.

Sam stopped at a red light and looked over at Bucky with concerned, "You think they are doing it to her?" he didn't even have to explain further, they both knew what those hydra agents were doing, but what was their motive?

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