Enemies With Benefits (Bucky)

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Writers Note- I've been holding onto this one for a little bit, I was considering re-writing it from Bucky's POV. I may still do that. Warning it's on the spicier side.

You were back in your room after a mission that went especially bad. You had made a mistake that had put yourself in serious danger. You weren't supposed to do stupid things, the only reason you were part of the team was for your brains. You weren't incredibly strong or have superpowers or anything like the others, you were there for your intelligence. You were beating yourself up about it when there was a knock on your door. When you opened it Bucky stood before you, he didn't hesitate to brush past you slamming the door behind him.

"I can't believe what you did," he yelled at you. "And I had to save you. You could have gotten us all killed."

You shrunk away from him. "I said I was sorry." He stared at you, the look in his eyes was intense, it scared you.  You knew he had been a different person at one time and weren't sure if he could revert back under stress. "I sad I was sorry a million times already. What do you want me to do? I can't go back in time and change my mistake."

You hadn't realized but the whole time you were talking, Bucky was slowly taking steps towards you, and you were slowly backing away until your back hit a wall. You were trapped there between him and the wall. You stared into his eyes, your chest was heaving from fear when he did something you never expected. He grabbed the back of your head, pulling it towards him, kissing you. It was a rough fervent kiss, you gasped into his mouth.

He pulled away slightly, moving his head to kiss the nape of your neck. You moaned, you realized your hands were gripping his shoulders. "Get on your knees" he whispered in your ear.

You exhaled before sinking to your knees. You knew what this meant, what he wanted. You were sure if you said no, he would stop, he would leave, but you weren't sure you if wanted him to. You unfastened his belt, pulling out his penis. You wrapped one hand around the base as you took his tip in your mouth. You pumped in and out, one of his hands rested on your head but he didn't direct you at all.

Bucky pulled back from you, you tipped your head back to look at his face. You weren't sure what his next move would be. He picked you up throwing you on the bed, kissing you feverishly again. After nibbling on your ear he whispered "Do you have a condom?"

Your throat was dry. "No," you barely got out.

Bucky pulled back from you the anger was back on his face, it made you recoil. "How do you not have a condom?"

"I don't know if you noticed but there isn't a line of men waiting outside my door," you responded sarcastically.

He climbed off you, pulling his pants back on. "I find that hard to believe." You cocked an eyebrow at him. He just turned away slamming the door behind him as he left, leaving you on your bed wondering what had just happened.


The next day you were walking back to your room after a workout. You needed it, a workout after a stressful day really helped with your mental health. You didn't realize you had made the mistake of walking past Bucky's room.

"What are you wearing?" A familiar voice scoffed.

"I'm coming back from a workout," you stammered. Why is he like this, you thought.

"Do you always wear so little when you work out?"

"Bucky what do you want?" You ignored his question.

"I want to finish what we started." He grabbed your hand pulling you through his doorway, closing the door behind you. He threw you on the bed. "I need to return the favor." He said as he pulled your bike shorts off. You couldn't have smelled very good after working out but he didn't seem to mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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