Goodbye (Bucky)

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You stared at yourself in the mirror, you weren't sure if you had the strength to go through with this. You looked back into your own pained eyes. It was hard to believe this was the right choice when it hurt so bad. Bucky had just left for a meeting with Sam, you didn't have much time before he would be back. You had already packed up most of the few belongings you had kept at his apartment, the last few in the bathroom.

All you left behind was a note.


Bucky came back to the apartment, expecting that you would be there, he hadn't been gone long. "Y/N?" he called as he put his keys on the small table next to the door. You had usually greeted him when he came home and you hadn't told him you were going back to your own apartment. Not that he has any say in that, but you usually told him as a courtesy. Bucky checked his phone, there were no messages from you. When he glanced down again he finally saw it, the note, all it said was "Goodbye Bucky." But one thing you didn't notice before you left, was one stray tear mark which blurred the ink on "bye".

Bucky panicked, after all he had been through, he thought the worst, that you were coerced into leaving, that you had been kidnapped to get back at him. He looked in the closet, but all your clothing was gone, your toothbrush, your face wash, the necklace he had given you, it was all gone. Bucky called your phone, but of course you didn't answer, you had already blocked him.

Determined, and maybe a little bit crazed, Bucky ran ten blocks over to your apartment, buzzing your number, but there was no answer. Your landlord happened to notice him incessantly ringing your apartment to no avail and opened the front door recognizing him from prior visits.

"She's gone." your landlord said. Bucky stared at him, he didn't believe it. "She moved out."

"I don't understand." was all Bucky could get out.

"Come." the landlord said leading Bucky three flights of stairs up to your apartment. It had always been a teeny, shabby furnished studio apartment, you hadn't owned much to begin with. When the door swung open his face fell, the Murphy bed was pulled down from the wall, not a single sheet left on the mattress. The colorful curtains and decorations that made the apartment yours, that made it fell like you, they were all gone. Nothing was left, it was just another New York overpriced shitty studio. Bucky noted one last thing that was gone, a framed photo of the both of you he had given you about a month after you had started dating, you had taken it.

Days went by and Bucky was worried sick, he hadn't even considered that you left because you wanted to. He had called in a few favors but none of them came up with the answer he had wanted. "She drove away in her own car, no one else was there." an informant showed him footage from the street cams around New York. And just like that Bucky gave up, not that he wanted to but there was no evidence you were in trouble and no evidence this wasn't your choice. If you had wanted to contact him, you would. Bucky didn't want to give up on you, but he didn't feel he had any other choice.


One year later... Bucky had put his heart and soul into his work after you left. He and Sam were in a small town about an hour north of a military base. Despite the small sleepy town there was a group of Hydra sympathizers planning on starting trouble at an upcoming visit to the base by government officials.  Luckily for Bucky, the group was all bark and no bite. They had easily been taken out and were in custody.

As Bucky was was walking down a street of this sleepy town he spied a small flower shop in an old brick two story building. He crossed the street, peering through the glass window of the shop when he saw your face. You were behind a counter arranging a display. You looked up at him and you locked eyes. He watched as your eyes went wide and your lips moved before you ran through a door behind the counter.

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