You Came Back (ReaderxBucky/ReaderxSteve)

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You had been with Bucky for over a year now, you loved him dearly. Today though... today you were fighting like cats and dogs.

The room around you was already a mess from each of you throwing things. Bucky stared at you with his hands clenched in fists at his sides, doing everything he could to not hit something, to not lose control.

You on the other hand didn't care,  you were trying to get on his every last nerve. He had always been so safe, so guarded with you, you felt like he never showed you what he really felt. You got it, you really did, dealing with what he dealt with, there was a lot he was keeping deep down inside. But you needed more. You picked up a vase and threw it towards him, aiming about a foot to the side of his head. The vase smashed into shimmering glass shards and drifted down to the floor.

"Really, Y/N?" Bucky yelled. He stared at you, you could see the anger behind his eyes. He ran his flesh hand through his hair. "That's it. I'm done." he said as he rushed out the door slamming it behind him.

You stood shocked, glued in place, did he really just leave, you couldn't believe he just left? Coming to your senses you ran to the door throwing it open, looking down the hallway of your apartment building, but it was empty. You ran down the stairs calling his name,  "Bucky?" but no one answered. You busted through the front door and ran down the stairs standing on the street looking each way, but he was gone.

You stumbled back up the stoop, your eyes getting fuzzy with the tears you knew were coming. You ran up the stairs and slammed the door to your trashed apartment just in time as the the tears came flowing down your cheeks.


A year had went by and no one had heard a word from Bucky, not even Steve. It had been like he had fallen off the face of the earth. They couldn't find a single lead. You were worried that Hydra had found him again, but Steve had assured you for months that they would have heard something. Hydra, you see, wasn't very good at keeping these things as under wraps as they liked to think they were.

You had moved in to a small studio apartment in the same building as Steve's. You and Steve had become much closer during this year and he was going to be stopping by soon to discuss a trip to Disney World you had convinced him to go on. You thought you both needed a vacation, get away from both of your worries, at least for a couple days.

By this point in your friendship you didn't lock the door when Steve was coming over and he no longer knocked, he just came in. You heard the click of the door knob turning and stood up when you saw Steve walk in.

You smile at him. "Do you want something to drink," you ask. Steve noddded at you, still standing in the open doorway. You turn your back to him and get a pitcher of unsweetened ice tea out of the fridge. "So this trip, Tony insisted we stay at the Grand Floridian, I could not convince him we could handle this and stay where we wanted so I guess were staying at the Grand Flor. I figure we'll do one day at each park, a rest day in between and then come home. We'd be gone about about six full days." you say with glee. Some people don't get it but Disney World is one of your favorite places.

Steve chuckles at you as you hand him the ice tea. "I guess I'll leave the planning up to you." He smiles as he puts the tea down on the side table.

Before you know it you have wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling your face in his chest. "Thank you for being there for me though all this." you whispered to him. You pushed your face back a little so you could look into his own.

You looked into his eyes. The same eyes that had been comforting you for months, but something was different behind them this time. He leaned down and kissed you passionately. A small moan escaped your lips. He moved to kiss your cheek before dipping his head to kiss the nape of your neck.

Behind him, standing in the doorway you saw him... Bucky... staring stunned at you. "Steve?" you whispered.

"Mmhmm." he grunted.

"We have a visitor."

"My best friend and my girl? Really guys?" Bucky said angrily.

Steve turned around pushing you slightly behind him, as if this was a mission and he was trying to protect you. "Buck, you disappeared for a year. What were we supposed to do?" Steve said, trying to keep his cool. "You disappear for a year, without a trace, without contacting your so call best friend, or try to make up with your girlfriend. You can't do that, that is not what people do. We were both worried sick, it killed us when you disappeared. Where were you Buck, did you get captured again? Cause that is the only way this is acceptable." Steve was fuming.

"No, I wasn't captured." Bucky almost whispered shocked at Steve's reaction, now looking at his feet. He looked back up at Steve's angry face, noting his protective arm around you. "Ok, so I fucked up."

"You sure are right you did, Buddy."

Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now