Not Even Friends (Steve)

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It's been a while since I wrote a Steve story, I thought he needed some love.

You had been working together for years. You didn't hate each other, but you didn't love each other either, you wouldn't even call each other friends, just someone you worked at the same place with. Steve Rogers, he was closer to what you would call your boss, however he never made you feel that way. He had always had the backs of the people below him, and if he ever  had to reprimand someone, it was never in a harsh way. He was a good man, and that was pretty much all you knew.

You walked into your Commanders office, you had gotten a call for a new assignment. One you never expected. "Ah, Y/N thank you for coming. We have a new assignment for you. This one is going to be a little different than you are used to. I know you've never gone undercover before." your commander used air quotes around undercover, "but we think you can handle this."

Your heart raced, this could be your big break but you weren't quite sure you were ready for something like this. You took a deep breath and tried to steady your heart, "What's the job.?" you asked.

"We need you to go undercover as the wife of another team member. You'll be living together, you're job will be the most important because your partner won't be undercover." the commander paused. "Everyone knows Steve Rogers, we have the convince the world he has married and get the two of you invited to a very special couples party. Once at the party we need you to infiltrate an off limits area and steal some important documents."

Your jaw nearly dropped, you never expected that you would be working directly with Steve, especially in this way. When your commander started telling you the plan you expected it to be some other low level officer like yourself.

"Do you think you can do it?" your commander asked. You nodded. "Go home and prepare, come back to the conference room first thing tomorrow morning for briefing. You will start tomorrow night."


The next night you were walking into an apartment building hand in hand with Steve Rogers, you had to act the part and glanced over at him smiling lightly before walking through the front glass doors. You had to make sure that the public would see, certainly someone nosy would take a picture. You walked through the door to your, now shared if only for a little while, apartment. You stood there a moment awkwardly, no one could see you anymore. You remembered back to just this morning while the two of you were being briefed, Steve had never even looked at you and you wondered if he actually hated you.

The apartment was nice, you looked around quietly, noticing how some of the things were yours. You had given your Commander permission to get some of your things but you didn't know they were going to furnish the apartment with them, you just thought they would grab some clothing. You assumed that some of the other furnishings were from Steve's own home. You felt something brush across your leg, your heart raced for a moment, not knowing this apartment you hoped it didn't have rats. You looked down to see your own cat rubbing on your leg.

You weren't sure how long you had been in the apartment when you heard Steve speak for the first time. "Why is there a cat?"

"I'm sorry I didn't know they would bring her here." you stated frantically looking around trying to figure out what to do.

"I don't really want a cat around." Steve said flatly.

Your heart tinged, you loved your cat more than anything. "I'm sorry give me a minute." You opened and closed the doors of the apartment. There was the living room with a small kitchen off it, a small bathroom. You came upon two more doors, you assumed were your bedrooms. You opened the one door and it was a simple bedroom, not your set, you assumed it was from Steve's apartment. You opened the other bedroom door and your heart dropped when you saw that it was an office, this was the last door in the apartment and you didn't have a bedroom. The litter box, scratching post and cat bed had already been put in the office room.

Bucky Barnes / Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now