Rescued in the Future (?)

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You had been back in your "home" for months now. You had a room basically, a twin size bed on one wall, a desk, a small bathroom, they brought you food when it was time to eat. It was a lonely life, you had no friends, just a few books, a TV for entertainment but they controlled what you were allowed to watch. You sighed thinking back to that time, the only time in your life that you had been happy, when a security alarm went off.


You had been owned by a company since you were a child, your parents, who had never had any love for you, had sold you for a paltry sum. You never knew why the company had wanted you, they had done experiments on you, but nothing that was ever life threatening, at least you didn't think they had been. You were called into one of the managers office one day, they had a theory for time travel, and despite sending a dog through their plans, a dog couldn't tell them what it had seen, they needed someone who could talk.

The first trip was just for a moment. They were going to send you back to a time before any of them had worked there to hide a letter they gave you in an area that they knew had not been renovated in the building. An old bathroom, while unused today had also not been touched. You stood on the panel waiting, the sensation felt like pulses running through you and you could see your body flickering. Your heart was racing and tears threatened to fall, terrified that you were about to die.

But it worked, there you were standing in that same bathroom, you hid the letter behind a loose tile. Moments later you felt the pulsing again and stood before the manager. The yellowed letter was in his hands. Time travel was successful.

You next mission was going back to 1942. They hadn't given you a reason for that year, you had been prepped with clothing, makeup and hair tutorials. You had been told were to go to find housing, given a stipend of time accurate money, told where to search for a job. Whatever the goal was, it must have been important enough for them to grant you freedom, if only for a little while.

You stood holding your suitcase waiting as the pulses ran through you. You had landed in an alleyway in Brooklyn, New York. You had never been in a big city, well you had never been anywhere since your parents sold you. It was exciting. They had dropped you right next to the building where you had been briefed to take up housing. Hiking the bag up, you walked through the front door of the large building.

You looked at the large building, Young Women Only plastered on the front door. You took a deep breath and walked to the front desk plastering a shy smile across your face. "Excuse me. I just arrived in the city today and I need housing. I do hope that there could be a room for me here."

Everything went smoothly, your housing was small but freedom felt better than anywhere else you had ever been. You had found a job, it was only at a restaurant, but you had also never worked before either. Not like this, it felt good. You were already hoping that they would just forget about you and never call you back to your time.

On your way to work one day a man was harassing you on the corner, you had tried to ignore him but he wouldn't give up. "Hey doll, give me one good reason you won't go out with me." You rolled your eyes turning away hoping the light would change so you could cross the street. The man didn't like this and grabbed your arm. "Why are you so stuck up?" he said pulling you towards him.

That is when you met them, a man with dark brown hair and blue eyes grabbed the harassers arm and twisted it away from your own. "I don't think she's interested sir." This second man stated, "Why don't you leave her alone." The first man sneered but as he was smaller than this new man in front of you he turned and left grumbling.

"Thank you." you barely whispered, smiling back at him.

"It's no problem. I hate seeing jerks bother girls, but it was my friend here who wanted to beat the guy up." he said with a laugh. You looked over at his friend, a much smaller man with blonde hair and blue eyes. "My name is Bucky and this is Steve."

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