Easy (Steve)

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This was supposed to be an easy mission, infiltrate a mostly abandoned former military base that was believed had been invaded by what was left of hydra. The military had given you the full go ahead to go inside, despite the land being decommissioned and perhaps unsafe due to unmaintained buildings. Intelligence didn't believe there were many people but that this was a tech hub, using the old base to spy on the current U.S. government using their own abandoned property to do so.

That is where you came in. Your strength was in technology and all around spy tactics. You had a decent amount of combat training but you were only one person and no where near as strong as the man next to you. Steve Rogers was there as the muscle, but he was also smart, he may not be as technologically advanced as you, but he had helped you figure out a few puzzles in the past. You both trusted each other, you knew he wouldn't let you down.

But it was nowhere near an easy mission. When you expected there to be maybe a few men guarding the base at most, there were hundreds. No intelligence had gotten data anywhere near these numbers. You wondered if it was an ambush, maybe you were set up? Both you and Steve had been fighting man after man, you had already knocked out ten, you had no idea how many Steve had taken care of. There was a break in the attack against you and you looked around, you didn't see Steve. "Steve?" you yelled out, concerned. Just then you saw him run into you eye sight, you breathed out a sigh of relief before terror took over again.

Two men ran up behind you, wrapping your arms behind your back and pulling you backwards. You saw Steve stop in his tracks as he watched your eyes fill with terror as you were being dragged away. You wiggled your upper body as you kicked your feet to no avail, the second you knocked off one man another would take his place dragging you further. One man ran in front of you punching you square in the jaw hoping it would distract you enough for them to drag you further. Steve ran towards you, but man after man was in his way. You felt cold hard metal hit your back as the men threw you in the back of an old work van. "Steve!" you yelled as the door slammed closed in your face the van speeding away that very second.

You had something very important you had to tell Steve. You had planned on telling him after your mission tonight. You regretted terribly that you hadn't told him sooner.


You didn't know this but the fear and pain he felt as he was about you lose you was one of the worst feelings that had ever gone through him. A flashback of Bucky plummeting from the train jolted in his memory. Steve took down man after man, but it was no help. His heart jumped in his throat when he saw the man punch you. He heard the cracking of bones, he didn't know if they were yours or of the man who punched you. He was still one-hundred feet away from you as he saw you get thrown in a van. He winced as he heard the door slammed closed cutting off his name half way as you screamed out to him for help.

There were still 10 men in front of him, there had been more but some had jumped on the van, some had run to their own vehicles and sped away along with it. These last few had stayed to slow him down. These men were unfortunately good fighters, nothing that Steve couldn't handle himself but they did their job, he had been slowed down. He ran to the spot where the van had been but he didn't seen any clues as to where it had gone. "Shit!" Steve muttered under his breath.

Steve decided to go back to see if could find any clues. He knew that there was a tracker on the communication devices you both wear in your ears during missions. He headed back towards your car when his heart sank. There on the ground was the small communication chip that should have been implanted in your ear. He had no way to track you now. He wasn't sure that it had fallen out by accident, maybe Hydra knew exactly what they were doing. The chip shouldn't have fallen out so easily, they had all worn them on numerous battles and not one had ever been lost. Steve trudged back to the car, he was losing hope.

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