Chapter 17 Knights

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Chapter 17

I was sitting on the lunch table and listened to their conversation. We didn't have our early morning training today since I don't have a wooden version of the sword that I am supposed to practice with. Also, I do not have enough magic/mana/power left to even practice my wolf voo doo.

"It's hard to believe that The kingdom of Alta, were involve in a trade with the Tereau." The Queen, my aunt, said. "It makes me wonder how they were able to reach out to them. The kingdom of Atla never mingles with land dwellers like us."

"That's hard to believe?" I said with a mouthful of meat. "You should see PRINCE Ace in a dress yesterday. It was very disturbing and fascinating at the same time."

In that moment, everyone stopped eating. Ren, who was seated beside me, handed me another plate of steak while Nate, who was seated on my other side, leaned in. "Rose? Remember what we talked about when the adults are talking?" He asked me in a very gentle voice as the others watched.

I nodded and took a slice of meat. "Don't speak unless being spoken to. Or if I want to speak then I should raise my hand." Then I started chewing.

"Can you tell us why?"

"Because I always speak of unimportant matters that leads to bickering or a drastic change of topic."

Nate seemed satisfied as he placed a hand on top of my head to pat me. "Good girl. And stop talking with your mouth full." Then, looking at one of the servants, he said, "Get her some desserts."

I have a feeling that they were treating me like a child at this point, but I didn't mind. I mean, come on, more dessert? Yes, please!

Now that the others were satisfied at my silence, they went back to continue with their boring 'adult talk'. "Maybe it has something to do with the chalice?" Ren suggested and I had to give Ren a look at that point.

Oh, so they let Ren join the conversation and not me!? But all this talk about a chalice is kind of making me remember something. Something important.

"That could be one of the reason." Ace agreed. "But if that were the case, then wouldn't that fish prince told us about this? Did he tell you two about it while I was...resting?" I have to fight the urge to talk and do a correction at that point. That time that he was resting was actually the time that he was being tied up being he refused to rest.

I sliced up another piece of meat and dipped it in gray before chewing again. Something tells me that I have to tell them about something.

"No he didn't. Prince Meruem seem like an honest man. The only trade they did was of trading women. It would seem like they send the women that they capture to the rogue king. What happens to the transported women after that is beyond his knowledge. He said that he was always escorting his father whenever they meet with Roy, because his father expected him to continue the business once he becomes king. No mention of any chalice." Nate says.

Chalice? Images started flashing into my mind. A man handing a chalice. An old village. Chantings...

"And I thought that we would finally have some lead on the whereabouts of the Chalice." Ren mumbled.

Didn't I have a dream regarding the Chalice? I raised my hand to talk like how I was instructed. "Excuse me." I said.

"Dear, not now. We are thinking."


"Mana, please give princess Rose some macaroons." Ren called out in the kitchen doorway.

"Hey! I swear it's important."

"I read the books my brothers gave me. But it would seem that it only gives us a few information about the tamers. Queen, I will write down all the information and I humbly ask that you review and cross out the false information."

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