Chapter 24 Seesaw

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Chapter 24

"Ow!" Ren complained and moved his head away from my hands. "That hurts, Rose. Stop it." He hissed.

"It won't hurt if you just stay still." I scolded him and pulled a strand of his hair to overlap it with another. Ren let out a yelp and moved away from me. The moment he did, the platform that we were sitting on wobbled.

Ace looked furious as he glared at Ren. "If you won't keep your butt still then I swear I will kill you if we ever survive this situation." He said from the other side of the platform.

After we fell, we suddenly landed on this weird stoned platform that was perched on top of a pointed rock. The moment we landed, all our weight was focused on one edge that we all scrambled to our feet to distribute our weights to keep the stoned platform from falling.

Just imagine using a book and balancing the surface area with your finger. That is our current situation. Ren and I were sitting on the opposite side from Ace and Nate - with Nate sitting a little close to the center to keep us steady from the harsh winds that come from time to time. I can't tell how long we were stranded, but it was enough for me to convince Ren to let me braid his hair.

And right now he was regretting it as he pouted at me after being scolded by PRINCE Ace. "See?" I told him. "You should have just stayed put and let me make your pretty."

"But I don't want to be pretty!" Ren complained.

"GET BACK TO YOUR PLACE RIGHT NOW YOU MUTT!" Ace yelled from their side. I gave Ren a look that proved my point. That he doesn't have a choice.

Ren slumped as he went back to sit with his back to me. I started to braid his hair. "Why can't you just play with your own hair?" He muttered.

"Have you seen my hair? I braided it like 10 times already! Yes, Ren. That's how long we are stranded here." I pointed out.

"But my hair is not fit for this!"

"True. True." I nodded. "I personally prefer Nate's hair. But sadly, he is waaaay over there and you are the only one accessible to me at the moment." As soon as I mentioned Nate's hair, he flinched.

"I prefer to have my hair untouched. But thanks for the compliment!" Nate yelled out from the other side.

"You're welcome!" I responded. Our voices echoed as we exchanged words.

"Gee, thanks." Ren grumbled. "Glad to hear that I am just a replacement."

"Aww. There there." I patted Ren's head. "You're still a good boy."

"You're treating me like a dog again!"

"Shh." I shushed him as I continued to pull on his strands. His hair was too short to be braided but I was not going to give up on that. I will make him pretty! "Yeah no. I give up." I dropped my hands and tiredly. Ren's hair was just not braidable. If there is even such a word.

"Yo, Nate!" I called out to the vampire, who flinched at the sound of my voice. I can only assume that he already knew what was coming. "Trade places with Ren! I'll braid your hair and make you look pretty!"

"Hey!" Ren complained while Nate smiled nervously at me.

"No thanks!"

I pouted and started playing with the pebbles instead. It's so boring! I grumbled and started throwing small pebbles in the air to kill time. But suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew and made the pebble fly and hit Ace's head.


Oh boy.

Not good.

Ace met my gaze tiredly. "Really? Can't you do anything besides playing?"

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