Chapter 1 Trouble in A Bottle

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Chapter 1

I laid down on my bed and starred at the ceiling. I have just woken up and badly wanted to go back to sleep again, but couldn't. Somehow I don't even know how to go back when I think about the reality that was brought to me yesterday.

Suddenly my stomach growled.

I'm hungry. Now that is definitely a good wake up call.

I hurried up and changed. As I did I stepped on something and heard a light yelp. It was Custard and I accidentally stepped on his tail. Custard is a little brown baby wolf. He looks as harmless as a puppy in this form, but when he is in his beast mode he becomes this big bad white demon wolf(as the twins like to call him). Also, he is my familiar that I had apparently bonded with.

In other words if he dies I die. Romeo and Juliet! How romantic.

"Sorry, Custard. Didn't see you there." I said. "What do you say we go down and get something to eat? Though I don't know what you eat. Can I get you some milk?"

Custards only response was a tilt of his head.

"I take that as a yes. Come on boy." I said and Custard followed me out of my room as we headed for the kitchen.

Once we were there I ask the lady if she could make me some eggs while I went to the storage room to get some milk. After that I search for a bowl that Custard can use. I poured milk on the bowl and set it on the ground. Custard sniffed it for a bit before licking it clean. "Wow you sure love milk."

"Well look brother. It's the princess." Dan yelled behind me.

"Shh, brother. Rose, doesn't like being called a princess. You might bring out one of her moods."

"You mean her beast mood?" Dan said and they both started laughing.

A felt my vein pulsing in annoyance at their joke. "Say guys. Would you like some milk too?" I asked nicely.

"Of course!" Yelled Dan.

"Wow. Who are you and what did you do with the real Rose?" Ren said.

"Brother brother brother. Rose is now a change woman. She's a real princess now so it is only natural that she would become kind and gentle like a real princess."

"You are absolutely right brother. Change is good." Ren agreed.

It took all of my will power not to pour the milk over their heads as I grabbed two extra bowl, poured milk in them, and dropped them on the floor in front of the twins while I put on a self satisfied smile. "Dig in." I said sweetly.

The twins looked at the bowls at their feet before looking back at me.

"She's mad." Dan whispered to his brother.

"I can see that!" Ren whispered back.

"Princess, your breakfast is ready." One of the maids said.

"Coming. Let's go, Custard." I said and shoved the pitcher of milk on Rens hands before walking past them. "Excuse me."

The maids place my food on the table and Custard accompanied me by sitting beside my chair as I ate.

"My that looks good." Someone said behind me. It was Nate.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey back. How are you?"

"Doing good. I gave the twins milk on a bowl earlier."

Nate laughed. "Let me guess? They pissed you off?"

"Kind of."

Nate looked at the way how I used my utensils and frowned. "Elbows down when you cut, Rose. You are a princess now. Better practice it properly."

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