Chapter 95 Choose Your Helmet Wisely

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Chapter 95 Choose Your Helmet Wisely

"How do I look?" I asked Ace as I placed a helmet over my head. It was the kind of helmet where only the front and neck are exposed. Amongst all the others helmets, it was the only one that I like because it doesn't hinder my vision.

Ace stood in front of me as he rubbed his chin in concentration. He was helping me pick my gears for the incoming raid in Tereau. "Try to circle around." He told me.

"Brother? You do know that it's just a helmet, right?" Darem asked him. Today, the elven brothers are here as they came to deliver some gears for me that were requested by Ace.

Since it was a secret, his brothers personally came here.

Ace turned to his brother. "Shut up!" He snapped at him before looking back at me with a softer expression. "Turn around."

I did as he told me and when my back was facing him, I felt a rock being thrown at my head. "Ow! Hey!" I turned to glare at Ace, who was now playing with a pebble in his hands. His brow drew closer together.

He turned to his brothers again. "You hear that? She said 'Ow!'. That helmet is not safe. Get me another one. With a thicker metal this time. Do we have something made of silver? I heard that silver keeps werewolves away as well. Get me one with spikes! Wait no, she could injure herself with that one."

Eltur and Darem were leaning against the stable wall as they exchanged awkward glances at each other. They clearly don't know how to respond to such requests. Beside Eltur, was a large crate full of helmets and chainmail.

I let out a huff of breath as I placed the helmet on Ace's head. "It's like the 17th helmet that we tried!"

Ace raised a brow at me. "17th? Are you sure?"


"Wrong. It's the 18th!" he corrected me. He removed the helmet from his head and threw them at his brothers. "The rock must have hit her head to the point that she miscounted. This helmet is too thin I tell you."

I threw my head back and groaned in frustration. "That's it! I'M OUT OF HERE!" I screamed and started to run for the door.

"Oh no, you don't!" Ace grabbed my hand just before I could reach it. "You cannot leave until you try another one!"

"FINE!" I yelled and marched up towards the crate beside Eltur and Darem. I grabbed a random helmet that covered your whole face and only has a few bars of space open for your vision. "Here! How do I look now!? I am 90% blind but it's safe, right?"

Ace pursed his lips as he examined the helmet. "It looks like...-"

"Oh, please don't say that it is horrible and a terrible fit!" I pleaded. I'm tired of trying on helmets!

"-it looks to me like you should stay." He finally answered.

So that truth was finally said. He was still against the idea of me joining the raid. I looked at his brothers with an apologetic look. "Eltur, Darem? Can you guys give us a moment, please? I need to speak with your stubborn brother."

"Good luck, Rose. We'll be keeping a lookout outside." Eltur gave me a salute before he and Darem exited the stables. As soon as the door closes, Ace lets out a sigh.

"The raid is in three days. It's too dangerous. You have not seen or faced Ferius. Plus, there the matter of the traitor!" He was pacing back and forth as he ran a hand over his hair.

I exchanged glances with Viex and Custard. It was the first time that he ever saw the elf prince so frustrated and stressed.

'Don't look at us, princess. We don't want to deal with this situation.'

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