Chapter 58 Younger Idiot

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Chapter 58

"Out with it, Dan. Where's Ren?" I asked.

Dan moved away from the bouquet and was smiling at me like an idiot. "You're looking for him? Is that progress I hear?" He chuckled and was suddenly pulled back by the collar of his shirt by his twin.

Ren and I met gazes. "Hey, princess." He greeted me. Ren was wearing the same coat as Dan, but minus all the fancy chains and details. While Ren was dressed to be presentable, Dan was dressed to impress.

"'Sup, Ren." I greeted back.

Dan moved his head back and forth between the two of us. And the more that he did, the deeper his frown has become. "That's it!?" He asked in disbelief. "That's all?!" He demanded and looked at Ren, who looked away under his younger brother's scrutinizing gaze.

Dan's brow twitched at his brother's reaction. "Hide all you want brother, but I will get my answer from you one way or another." He said through gritted teeth.

"Prince Dan?" Nate and Ace made their way towards us. Their gazes hell from Dan and then to Ren.

"Which one is the younger idiot?" Ace asked.

"Hey!" Dan protested with a pout. "That is rude! I thought that you guys would be a bit nicer to me considering that you haven't seen me in a while."

Ace and Nate exchanged glances. "Sorry, but we see your face all the time. I mean, your twin is still here with us." Nate pointed at Ren.

Dan gasped and suddenly ran towards me, escaping Ren's grasp. "Sis! They are bullying me! They do not understand that Ren and I are different people." He cried.

'Werewolf! Get your paws away from the princess.' Viex growled and tackled Dan's face.

Dan was surprised that he moved a few paces back before grabbing Viex off of his face. He starred at him while Viex growl. "Ew. What is this? A bug?"

Viex wasn't happy about the comment that he used two of his tails to slap Dan's across the face. The younger werewolf prince was startled enough that he dropped Viex. "WHO'S ANIMAL IS THAT? WHY IS IT RUDE?!" He screamed.

"Mine. Got a problem with it?" I crossed my arms over my chest while raising a brow.

"Yours?" Dan raised a brow at me. "What happened to your other one? Custard?"

'Master Dan! I am here!' Custard barked and jumped up and down to catch his attention.

Dan raised a brow when he saw him and crouch down as he stared at Custard. "Another wolf?"

"That's Custard." I said.

"Rose, I may have been gone for a while but I remember that Custard is brown, not white and black."

"That Custard. He became a royal familiar along with Viex, the fox." I said and pointed at Viex, who stood beside Custard and growled at Dan. "They're my familiars now."

Dan got up and places his hands on his hips. "I don't want to ask this but I have to. Why are your familiars white?"

I gasped and slapped him with a gloved hand. "Daniel, you can't just ask spirits why they are white! That's...spiritcism."

"As I said, I didn't want to! I am just curious." Dan pouted and crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly. "Well, it would seem like a lot of things happened while I was gone." He directed his gaze towards Ren and he didn't seem happy. "But still nothing. Brother, you and I will have a very long talk."

"By the way, Dan. Why did you come here? You should have gone straight to Hazel." Nate says.

"Oh, nothing. I just want to make sure that the other team isn't plotting anything." Dan's eyes seemed to cast onto Ace briefly as he said this. "Well, anywho, Ren is riding with me and Lily because we need to brief him on some things."

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