Chapter 46 Wrong Morph

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Chapter 46

I ran towards Nate and started pulling on Prince Terrence's hair to get him off of Nate. "Sir, this is called child abuse! I could sue you!" I threatened him, but the old vampire Prince seemed to be blinded by something that he wasn't listening to me.

"Who sent you to assassinate us? And how the hell did you people know of this place?!" Prince Terrence demanded Nate, who was pinned under him.

"What the hell? Get off of me!" Nate yelled. In that instant, Ren and Ace came forwards and dragged a thrashing vampire off of Nate. I ran to his side worriedly.

"Are you okay?" I asked and glanced at his wrist that was now starting to bruise. To hurt a vampire like Nate, Prince Terrence must be pretty strong.

"Peachy. Nothing new to me that's for sure." He grumbled and started massaging his wrist. I helped him up while Custard whimpered by his foot and gently tapped his paw to Nate's leg. Nate smiled down at Custard's concern. "Don't worry, little guy. I'm alright."

"Wake up! Terrence, that is your child!" We heard a slap. We both looked up to see that Serena was now sitting in front of Terrence. She was grabbing his shirt collar and slapping him across the face repeatedly while screaming at him. Ren and Ace were now standing at the side as they both gave her an awkward look like they were scared at the crazy Nymph. "How could you hit your own son!? I thought I was the crazy one, but I guess you are too! How can you not recognize him!? I mean, look at his hair! Are you blind!? Huh? HUH!?" She demanded and shook him aggressively like he was a rag doll. Serena even pulled his left eyelid up and screamed to it. "HELLOOO!?!?" She yelled.

Prince Terrence finally snapped and moved away from her. "Wait. Serena, did you just say son? I-" He gripped his head and wobbled a little before turning his gaze towards us. His eyes landed on Nate. "Yes, of course. My memories as a spirit are finally coming back." He said softly as his lips trembled. He got up on his feet and started heading in our direction until he stopped right in front of Nate. They were of the same height. "I-....I'm sorry. My memories from the physical and spiritual world are overlapping. When I was revived, the memories before I was petrified overtook my body and..." He paused, a look of regret was on his face. His hands trembled as he tried to reach out for Nate. He was hesitant to touch him. "Nathaniel, I'm sorry. I swear it wasn't intentional. I love you. You don't know how much I hold you."

Nate was silent as he listened to his father talk. The expression on his face was neutral. I couldn't tell whether he was happy or not. More like he was troubled with how to respond to a parent who actually acknowledges his presence.

I placed a gentle hand behind Nate's back and pushed him gently towards his father. Nate let out a gasp as he looked at me. "Geez. Go on. Stop trying to act like a cool guy and go and hug your dad. You don't have to be so reserved when it's just us." I have seen Nate facing off enemies before. Enemies that could potentially kill him, but I have never seen him cower like this before.

"WAKE UP, TERRENCE!" Serena yelled and I saw her raising a huge club over her head as her eyes fixed on Nate's father. Ren and Ace immediately ran forward to stop her.

"Damn it, woman! He's awake already!" Ren said while grabbing the club from the Nymph's hands.

"You better reconcile with your father while Ace and Ren are stopping Serena from killing him." I whispered to Nate.

"It's PRINCE!" Ace yelled. Honestly! How can he even hear me when he is all the way there?!

Nate turned his attention back to Terrence, who was waiting patiently for what his son would do. Nate has been deprived from parental love for too long that Prince Terrence is actually considering that Nate would push him away.

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