Chapter 41 Royal Guardian

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Chapter 41 

'Malduk, I see you have found yourself a new host. And a working tamer at that.'

'Viex, you are free. Long time no see. I have heard word of your liberation but I wasn't able to welcome you personally.'

There was a laugh. 'Doesn't matter. What are you doing with this half baked tamer anyway? I understand that her powers are working but those people from the tribe would be far more useful than this one right here.'

'You do not understand, Viex. She's a royal blood.'

'A royal-' There was a pause and I can hear a twig breaking and leaves shifting on the ground.

'What? Do you reminisce about the old times, Viex?' The voice laughed.

'Malduk, release that girl immediately.' There was a low snarl as if it was warning the other party. 'If you mess with a royal then you mess with me.'

'Ever so loyal to the royal family even though you don't even know this one? I guess you have heard. The old royal family is dead. This girl is just a useless sack talent. Unrefined. Such a pity really.'

'As long as she is still a royal, she is and will be under my protection!'

I started to groan and shift my heavy body awake. 'Think fast Viex, it would seem that our little lady is finally waking up.'

"Shut up. Five more minutes. Please." I grumbled and fumbled my hands blindly as I searched for the snooze button to shut the two whispering down. My hands suddenly tapped on a small ball of fur. At first, I thought that it was Custard, but the figure was too small to be him.

Where was he? The last I remembered of him was placing him on a broken piece of wood just before we were swallowed by a whirlpool.

I immediately bolted up and scanned my surroundings. I was apparently washed up on a shore. A very muddy shore. "Ugh!" I scrunch my face in disgust.

'Nice to see you again, mortal.' I gasped at the familiar voice and turned my head to the right and saw the white fox standing on a huge fallen log. 'Or should I say, princess.' He said and bowed his head in respect before jumping back when I attempted to grab him.

"Don't you go playing nice with me." I said. "I haven't forgotten the time that you pushed me that caused me to hallucinate!"

The fox looked embarrassed for a bit before it regained its composure. 'Apologies for that, princess. I wasn't in my right mind at that time. And if I had known that you are of royal blood from Gija, I would have lent you a hand.'

"Yeah, well, too late for that." I said as I got up and started washing the dirt off of my arms. I saw a movement from the corner of my eye and saw the little fox hopping it's way from the log and boulders just to sit near me.

'Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Viex.'

Viex? Now where have I heard that name before?

"Rose." I said blatantly as I crouched near the river or whatever body of water this is. I scooped up some water and started washing my face.

'Please form a contract with me.'

I abruptly turned my head just so I could look at Viex. My foot slipped on one of the rocks that I fell face first into the water and started drowning.

'Good grief!' Viex yelled and started pulling at the back of my dress just to keep me off of the water.

I flipped my wet hair off of my face and spit a fountain of water out of my mouth as I stared at the fox. "Nope. Sorry. I already have a familiar and his name is Custard." At the mention of my familiar, I immediately looked around. "Custard!? CUSTARD?" I yelled in a panic as I started running around at the edge of the water. "Where are you?" I kept on calling as the fear of the fox's offer somehow has a hidden meaning to it.

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