Chapter 6 The Welcome Party

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Chapter 6

Days and weeks of training has pass leaving me exhausted and temperamental. It's horrible really. Preparing for the last times ball was not that stressful compared to this. Even Nate and the twins are getting serious during our training. The only one who was a little laid back was Dan. The guy would crack up jokes here and there and would pull pranks on his brother. The other PRINCE hates my guts so much that he would not allow me to doze off even for a second. He would continue to drill information into my brain even though I was tired, which always result in us bickering and me leaving through the window - once. It didn't happen again since he basically put some sort of magic barriers on the window. Trust me I dislocated my elbow trying to break the window.

Yes I am desperate to get away from him and our training. The guy is nuts!!!

And don't get me started with the final fittings of the dress. It was not as bad as the training but the tailor really pissed me off. You see when they were taking my measurement and handed it to the tailor - I never remembered his name but let us name him Bob - Bob eyed the paper with my measurements. His brows furrowed at something and then says, "With a bust like this it would be hard to design a good enough design for her." It took all my willpower not to grab his hair are scream, "WITH A F%&KING HAIR LIKE THIS YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE A FVBKING JOB!!"

"Princess Rose, it's time to get ready." The soft voices of the maids woke me up from my slumber.

I squinted my eyes to see that preparations were being made inside my room. Makeups and sh!ts were being prepared on my dresser. The dress that I'm going to wear at the party was worn by a wired mannequin as the tailors made some few adjustments. I groaned and pulled my blanket over my head as if it was a sacred shield. "Go away. As Princess - whatever - I command zzzz...." Then I dozed off to sleep.

I don't know how long I napped after that but suddenly I wake up dripping wet. "OH MY GOSH!!!" I bolted upright and threw the wet covers off of me. "WHO PUT ICE IN THERE!?" I demanded.

"Good morning, dear." The queen said all smiles while holding the bucket where I assume where the water came from. "They told me that you were being stubborn so I decided to drop by."

Still shivering, I glared at her. "D-Do you rreeeallly have to p-put ice in there!?" The queen did not answer but only gave me a menacing smile.

"Sarah, Gix, Heira please clean up this young lady. Make sure to scrub her form head to toe, brush her hair 100 times-curled and tied, paint her nails, give her a facial, wax her leg and armpit hair, and give her a lovely makeup afterwards. I want her heels to be a bit high since her escort is a bit tall. Oh and can you get the box in my office? Those are her accessories. I believe they would go well with the dress. Oh and about the speech-"

That was when I cut her off. "Woah. What speech?" I stopped shivering and focused my attention to her.

"Your opening speech that is." The queen raised her eyebrow at me. "Didn't PRINCE Ace told you?"


THHHHHHAAAAAT BAAASTAAAARD!!! I know fully well that it is not like him to forget anything as important as that. This could only mean one thing. HE DID THAT ON PURPOSE!!! THAT JERK!!

"NO HE DIDN'T!!" I screamed and bolted out of the room. I know fully well that I suck at speeches. Heck I can't even imagine me speaking in front of a crowd, much less a crowd of magical royalties.

Forget the speech, forget the party, I am out of here. I will hide in a bathroom until all this crap is over with. There are at least 100 bathrooms in this castle. I doubt they could find me in one of them. Just where should I hide? I was just giving it a thought when I was picked up from the ground like a sack of potato.

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