Chapter 74 The Reunion

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Chapter 74

As I woke up, I saw and heard Ren and Nate whispering to each other. I squinted my eyes at them. They haven't noticed that I have already woken up. "What are you guys talking about?" I was curious why they have such an expression on their faces.

By the looks of it, Nate was grabbing Ren's arm like he was stopping him from doing something. I rubbed my eyes awake and noticed how the sky was still dark. Dawn was still breaking.

My brows furrowed as I switched my attention back to them. "What are you guys doing-" Then a thought suddenly occurred to me. Why was I asleep? How long was I asleep?

Then I remembered the pain that I experienced and started to hug my stomach and clutch my eye. "Guys, it's Ace. I think..." I trailed off as I looked at them.

Ren and Nate exchanged glances. Nate's eyes darkened. "No. Let her rest."

Ren made an annoyed sound and pulled his arm from Nate. "That won't stop her and you know that." He told him.

"Stop me from what?" My stomach churned in nervousness as I watched Ren coming to my side.

"Your sister is in Tordis." He says. "Do you want to see her?"

My eyes widened. "Yes. YES! Of course." I nodded eagerly and jumped off of my bed. Unfortunately, the effects of healing were worse this time that I fell right back on my bed.

Ren kneeled down to look me in the face. "You go and get dressed first. I'll send servants here to assist you. After that, I will take you to her." He smiled as he turned back and dragged a yelling vampire along with him.

After I got dressed with the help of my servants, Ren returned as promised. Ren handed me a kefta. "Put this on. It's a bit cold today."

"Thanks." I said as I eyed him suspiciously as I wore the white kefta and brought my whip with me.

"Ready?" He asked. After I gave him a nod, Ren picked me up and carried me. Unfortunately, Nate blocked our path.

"Hurry up and open the door." Ren told him. Nate gave him a glare before he went and open the door for us.

I tried to think about their conversation. By the sound of it, it seems like something bad has happened. My heart began to palpitate. "Did something bad happen to Ace?" I asked him. "I felt his injuries. Is he okay?"

"They're fine. All of them are."

"Then why was Nate acting like that?"

"He's just worried because he fears that we'll get attacked along the way. The queen told us to stay put but I know that you would want to see them as soon as possible." He says with a shrug. "Don't worry. If anything happens, it's all on me since I was the one who dragged you out."

"Should we just tell my aunt?"

"She and the king are already there."

I raised a brow. "That was fast. Thank you, Ren!" I said, already feeling jealous at the idea that the Queen may be bonding with my younger sibling. "Come on, Ren. Mush!"



"I thought we were over the werewolf jokes?"

"You thought wrong, silly boy."

Ren and I rode a carriage along with Nate, who was still against the idea. The carriage ride was long and awkward. Fortunately, Nate was able to pack some sandwiches and handed them to us.

I guess I was just too excited to see my sister again that food was the last thing on my mind.

Tordis was one of the kingdoms that I still find mysterious, next to Atla kingdom. It was due to the fact that it was the only kingdom that was built inside of a huge tree. Unfortunately, all that remains now are the dead barks that surround the area.

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